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Everything posted by hawaiiansun

  1. :laugh2: I think I smell a rat here. sniff sniff....
  2. Looks great girl, I bet they are yummy too. Good job.
  3. I use 20% shea with no problems at all.
  4. Looks good, I'm a good soap sitter too, but once I get them they are mine.
  5. I use those green thingies the florist uses to hold my lip balms. Cheap and reliable.
  6. Hey Ducky WB, keep thosse posts coming girl, you only need 5,000 to catch up to Scented.
  7. Sure, I have bought from others and others have bought from me. I feel good when others in the biz ask to buy my products. Like Carrie said if it's not good enough for someone in the biz then it's not good enough for the public
  8. it's simple. Treat people how you want to be treated. Talk to people how you'd wanna be talked to. Look at everyone you encounter as a customer. You should offer everyone the same courtesy and concern. When you are wrong admit it and be responsible for your actions. It's so easy to be stubborn and not want to give in, but do the right thing and I promise you, you will feel so much better. How often do you get customer complaints? Normally not that often. So replace the items, give refunds, pay shipping whatever it takes. That customer will be happy and you will feel good cause you did the right thing. If you get a lot of complaints, then you better put CS as a priority and start correcting yourself cause your reputation and your business will go to chits. I always tell my staff one thing, before you say or do anything take a moment and ask yourself. Is this how I want to be treated? Is this how I want to be talked to? If the answer is NO, then don't do it.
  9. Couldn't be me I've never made LLC, but if no one festers up, you can thank me, I'll take the credit.
  10. I do it for men also, just one thing though, test the spray on like a white piece of cloth before sparying on clothing, some fos do stain. Good luck.
  11. Made this yesterday HP shea/mango scented Guavaberry. I used cornflower (blue) and gold micas. Inspired by Grumpy, Scented and Darwin. Thanks ladies. Needs to be cleaned up.
  12. I happen to have some onf Tess's products and let me tell you they are far from crappy. tghey are some of the best candles that I have tested. Send me some of yours so I can try your crap.
  13. Ah man this is a funny thread and it'll go on and on caused group A believe in soy and group B believe in parrifin and neither will admit that the other side may have a valid point. Me I believe in too each his own. I just don't think A users should put down B and visa versa. But of course I believe in Santa Clause too and I know that will never happen. It sure have been some confusing reading. I just wanted to up my post count. :laugh2:
  14. WOOHOO I like them colors. You're becoming a swirling guru there hooka.
  15. Not ugly better than what I can do. Send me a bar.
  16. LOLOLOLOL Look out world here come Carol babe. :highfive:
  17. Food coloring, but if you do multi colors watch out for red it bleeds.
  18. JMO but I think people should research before they decide to make something. A lot of the questions lately are just out of the ballpark. Seriously people, because someone mentions a votive or tart or wtf ever does not mean that you have to go out and make it. At least know what it is before you make yourself sound well heck STUPID.
  19. That would work. Bet it would be real nice and peaceful.
  20. Swap it, I wouldn't mind having a bar. What scent is it?
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