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7 Pawz

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Everything posted by 7 Pawz

  1. I can't even imagine being able to make soap like that they are gorgeous! I think of sherbet when i look at them
  2. Jcandleattic & Candybee: Thank you for your suggestions, I am going to experiment this weekend, hopefully. I just wasn't satisfied with the way the 3lb batch turned out, it was useable, color was nice, scent was a little light, I 'd like to add more scent and incorporate the batch with a new one and after all that soap shredding, I sure wanted to do something with it
  3. Hi guys, I've made soap on and off for a few years, nothing really advanced tho. Recently I decided to grate a 3lb batch of soap; I didn't want to rebatch it, that doesn't work so well for me, but I thought somehow to incorporate it into another batch of soap in small amounts. It is lightly scented,color is pinkish. Made with Olive oil, coconut oil and lard. Would it be feasible to add about a cup of shredded soap to the new soap oils and proceeed as usual or better to make the new batch of soap and add the shredded soap on top of the newly poured soap? I've searched and found many suggestions, I would appreciate your thoughts.
  4. Love J50, it was the first wax I tried that I had good luck with as far as scent throw, hot or cold, but since I'm just a hobbyist, i don't get it that often, but it is my go to wax.
  5. I did a little clean up in my work area, made about 2lbs wax chunks for a pillar candle, planning next soap batch--
  6. Finding that out I love the colors tho, and thought they'd be my best bet for non-bleeding in cp or mp, although for the little amount of mp I make, I did order a few basics just for that. Guess I'll increase my tuberrose the next time, it smells so good in the bottle:)
  7. Anyone for neon pink soap? I decide to make a small batch of cp soap about 2ks back, used Lebermuth tuber rose. I was aiming for a MILD pink, so I tried 1/4 t of NEON red , thinking I had a small enough addition of dye to 3lbs of soap WRONG should've been a pinch of it. The dye is a liquid pigment, duh, don't know where my mind was, as it cured in the mold it turned from a peach color, to a medium pink color, now it is neon pink oh well, lesson learned. I now have some very tiny scoops to help me out with that. Color is pretty tho. The fo is not doing too well at this point, doesn't have much of a scent and I added about a tsp per lb of soap oils.
  8. I'm trying, valiently, I might add to not get another mold just yet, but you guys seem to have nice collections of them, I don't know how much longer I can hold out: I have managed to get my sample oils down to a minimum, but that just means I need to order the full size now
  9. I'll let the candle set for aweek maybe, just guessed at wick size, although i normally use a square braid for the wick,I thought id try a zinc 62-52-18. Also poured 2 tapers in paper towel roller, I poured really cold since its card board,hopefully,I will get a really rustic look:)
  10. I have been given tons of not completely burned church candles, which are usually white or ivory, usually are composed of 50%beeswax and 50% paraffin. I melt the wax, strain it though an old stocking---this gets rid of the old wick and any trash in the wax. I have a mold prepared and wicked if I am going to pour a candle then, if not, I usually make chunks and store them until I'm ready to make a pillar. I add color and scent as well. I don't sell them, they're for my personal use, but I do keep notes on what I've done, size of wick, dye, scent,temp,etc. I have enough wax at this point that I can make test candles tho. I don't remelt the wax for use again once I've burned the remade candle down.
  11. Very creative, love these soaps to
  12. You can say so yourself, they are great
  13. I had round mold made from pvc pipe with the end cap that screwed on, attached by a wire to the pipe and the darn end cap finally developed a crack in it, but I do like trying different objects as molds, your pringle cans sound perfect.
  14. Thats another thing I'm trying to figure out, how much would I actually use a mold that I thought I REALLY wanted and there are a few on my list; so I've got soap poured into a bottom half of a plastic bucket that was cut down to size (rounded edges), this morning it popped right out, about a 3lb batch, although I could pour a bigger batch in it,the bars will be about an inch thick. So there is my slab mold.
  15. As you can see, it does look unusual, I did poke the relief holes, I was tempted to cut a step out, it took 3 hours to get it poured. , I did discover I wasn't so crazy about patchitouli, although that was just one sample, maybe i'll try others. It took 5lb of wax, and ended up being 5in wide x 8 in high. You cant really see the red layer, it was just a small amount of wax, was fun to experiment with tho.
  16. Yesterday, I decided to use up scrap pillar wax from recycled church candles, So, I had a plastic pretzel holder, roughly 5 in wide X 9 in tall. The inside has swirls and the container was cylindrical shaped. I do use metal molds, but once in awhile, I find something odd and I want to see how a candle would look once it was made. I had 4 different layers, each had a different scent (trying to use up fo samples) . Lavender, Yellow, blue, a small layer of red. The bottom half ( or top once unmolded) of the container sort of sucked in , I discovered that when I poured the second layer. I poured at a real low temp, maybe it was just air? But the candle is coming away from the sides of the mold, so I'm not worried about the candle coming out, I will weigh the candle and post a pic. Should be interesting
  17. Love them, you can see whats going on with the soap like your soap colors
  18. It is getting harder to find something that lasts, unless I go with essential oils, no, I wouldn't pay the prices either
  19. I agree, I thought Lebermuth was way out there. I didn't look at their whole listing for the oils, tho, guess I wouldn't have asked the question if I had Can you imagine that oil going down the drain in bubbles?
  20. got that right, I was looking at the micas, but the fo are out of sight
  21. I'd like to have a mold like that, just for the smaller things.
  22. I still do a little M&P, not as much as I used to, but have discovered the milky way molds work so great when I pour CP at lower temps, thought about getting a wood mold with the dividers, then I looked at some acrylic ones, tough choice
  23. Since I started to pour at lower temps, I'm discovering a lot of different options for molds, I do like to try something that I can throw away just to see how the soap turns out, thrift store is a good idea, might look into that
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