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Everything posted by SoapDiva

  1. Oh wow! Those are beautiful! I LOVE the box and the flip flops, that is just so persnickity, it would drive me batty.
  2. CNfrost, thanks! I don't mind at all, I'm all about improving where I can. Thanks for the lighting tip. Ramaora - thank you!
  3. Thanks Grumpy, may you be touched by His noodly appendage. I've been following his site for years, my degree is in Evol. Psych. so I've followed his arguments with the Kansas school board with interest. Richard Dawkins even referenced his arguments in many of his lectures. I so want a pirate fish for my car. Have you looked at his "I'd really rather you didn'ts"? Hysterical.
  4. Mine gets used more for product than for food. Originally I bought it so I could use the sunbeam mixmaster for product, but found that the kitchen aid rocked the house down. The difference between product made in one vs the other was like night and day. And yep, too expensive to dedicate it souly to product. Now, when I become a famous B&B maker, then I'll buy another one.
  5. I love New Directions, and from what I understand they are all over. http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/index.php I'm in Canada and I get many supplies from them, at amazing prices compared to my local supplier.
  6. I think I take pretty good pictures, so I'll tell you what I tend to do. To begin with, I like a lot of natural light. Then, I set my digital camera (nothing fancy, its a Cannon AU80, about 4 years old now) to macro I think it is (the picture of a flower, I know, thats helpful eh?) and I take a real close up of it. I like the edges a bit blurry (the background). In all, its about practice. If you don't have the inclination, there are always amateur photographers around who would love to pad their portfolio.
  7. Ok, cool. I mixed them in really well, thinking that it needed to BE there! Thanks!
  8. Should I be concerned? I let my lye mixture sit overnight, actually two batches, one in a glass container, another in plastic. One had crystals in the liquid at the top and the other did not in the am. They both soaped the same, but of course I worry.
  9. Ok, can I hijack here? I'm confused (and I've googled, which just made me more confused...bad google, bad!). Just to clarify, if I make a recipe with lets say 46 oz of oils and butters, I would add the same amount of salt right (46 oz)? Same amount of lye and water etc - nothing changes there? Now, will this fit in my normal mold or will it make double? Cause like, the salt won't all dissolve. So, one would think it would make more. Sorry for asking a dumb question. :embarasse
  10. You guys are scaring me. I want to attempt one today.
  11. I use an online survey because most of my testers are people that read my blog. So, SurveyMonkey.com works really well for me. When they are ready I send them a link with a survey specific to that item.
  12. Oooooo, that looks divine! I have yet to try making something like that. It looks just wonderful!
  13. Oh wow, I'd have freaked out. Do you have any hardware stores there? Here in Canada they are starting to crack down on the sale of it because it is used to make drugs, but I can get large batches of it through a farmers co-op with no problems, and I can special order it through hardware stores.
  14. The chinese take out food container won't work, its too skinny at the base, I'd have to buy large ones, then they'd be huge. I'm gonna have to think more on this. Thanks for the ideas everyone! I love the creativity here!
  15. Nope, the bottom is a bubbling bath bomb, and the top is royal icing. At some point I want to master whipped soap so I can make the top a one use soap to use in the same bath. My daughter keeps forgetting that they're for the bath and keeps asking me to make yummy looking cupcakes for her to eat! The FIL almost ate one.
  16. OMG, I LOVE Cool Citrus Basil. Not too long ago I messed up a batch using a 2 oz sample of the oil I got, it was my fault not the oils. Man, it smelled heavenly! Looks awesome! Congrats, you're now a junkie!
  17. Well, I made some. I haven't tested them yet, I've got feelers out on my blog to test them and I have a few people in mind to test them here where I live as well. I can't wait to try one. Don't they look adorable!
  18. That is the coolest! I wanna know about the carrots too. I've been looking for natural colorant ideas, and wonder about using various baby foods for that!
  19. One thing to keep in mind when pricing is that its easy to go down, but not up without alienating people. Also, coming from the person who bought 5.5 oz of body butter for 36 bucks that in hindsight was crap - people pay for high quality, handmade items.
  20. Oh, I found the fragrance oil finder site. http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/index.php Just in case anyone needs it.
  21. I've got it bad for the soft coeur massage bar. BAD. I'll sneak into my bedroom and rub it on me so I can smell it. Has anyone made a SC dupe or have managed to duplicate the scent? I've tried a bit, but usually come away with something that is yummy, but different. I used to have a website that tells me who makes what dupes, but that was on the computer that crashed on me. *sniff*
  22. I make a cinnamon and patch, people LOVE this scent. I'm not overly fond of it, but it sells like hotcakes.
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