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Everything posted by SoapDiva

  1. I use h. palm & palm kernal oil in my soaps. Twice over this last weekend at a show I was told by people that hydrogenated oils are bad, I said, yes, when you eat them. Of course, I got the "the skin is the largest organ in the body" so it's the same thing. I did some research on this, and from what I understand hydrogenated oils are indeed bad, but I could find nothing on using them on your skin. Can anyone enlighten me? :embarasse
  2. I got a reconditioned one from the KA outlet store, I paid less than 100 bucks for the artisan. Na na na na boo boo.
  3. Oh my that looks divine! Is that real wine in there? Silly question I know! What makes it warm up??
  4. I've had two wholesale accounts asking me to make these, and I don't even make candles!
  5. I did a big show last weekend, very successful for me. It was a "juried" show, yet I saw a few sellers there that there was no way they were selling hand made items. Watches? Uh uh. Figurines stamped "made in china" I think not. You reminded me that I need to send an e-mail to the organizer. It rather pissed me off. ALL of my items are hand made, except the packaging.
  6. Have you tried new directions? I love love love their unrefined and undeodorized shea.
  7. Not sure. She has several pallets, however shipping to the US is pricey from Canada. I've e-mailed her to see if she would consider it.
  8. If you're in Canada I can put you in touch with someone selling them dirt cheap. She bought a ton, but due to finances she had to go back to work full time. She was a chandler.
  9. Dude, seriously, you're 16? And running a business? And going to school? And probably have all those 16 year old problems that come with angst and socializing that take up valuable time? You may be playing a little fast and loose with some of those regulations, but that's not my personal concern. I am more interested in knowing if you've seen a psychologist about the possibility of having ADHD? You're sending up some pretty large red flags there buddy, I should know, I happen to be a professional when I'm not making soap. The only possible way you could complete everything you need to, to sell your products effectively and ethically (on top of all the time you spend in class) is if you don't sleep a hell of a lot. If that is the case, you need to see someone. Otherwise, you're full of crap.
  10. I can help with the cocoa powder, sift it a few times and melt it into any extra oils you are planning on adding before you add it to the soap base. HTH.
  11. Do your customers like to buy right off the table? I am considering putting all my stock out at the next sale I am going to. Mainly because I have a 10x5 space and cannot see me having a lot of room behind the table for stock. So, I was thinking of having the table at the back of the booth, and invite customers "into" the space. Normally, I have a bit of a minimalist theme going on, just putting out a few of everything and having samples only out for body butter. Looking at Empress C's display (and a while ago Robins) has me thinking I've been going about it all wrong. Thoughts?
  12. Thanks for posting the pics! Your set up is awesome! I have a major christmas craft sale in 6 weeks and am already starting to set up in my head. I need all the ideas I can get!!
  13. I couldn't get it to work either? Thats awesome your sale went well!
  14. Just wondering if Corn starch would do the same as the natrusorb?
  15. I just do a 10% discount across the board to the hostess. And follow that up with a small hostess gift (usually something that I don't regularly carry, like a foot spa bag with my goodies and a few little extras like a pumice stone or nail file etc). For each party booked from that I also follow up with a booking gift - the hostess has to attend to collect the gift.
  16. The first year I got an accountant and he taught me what I needed to know, and what to collect. I paid him $126.00 for that info and for him to complete my taxes and file them (along with the husbands private one too). From then on, I've gotten Quicktax for small businesses and track all of my business stuff on there. But then, it's a small business.
  17. Can I ask what is in that stand of baskets? I have my lip balms in these mini metal flower pots, but I really like the one big bucket idea. And you have lip balms in jars behind it as well? Wonderful set up, I love looking at our more experienced soapers set ups, you guys have such awesome ideas! (And, not like this is a surprise, but I'm stealing the chalkboard idea, I think I saw it here last year and wanted to do it but didn't get around to it.)
  18. I've made these, and tested them quite a bit. I'm still testing them before I sell them actively. The top needs a bit of help to dissolve, I was thinking of trying a mix of baking soda with the icing sugar to get some more skin softening properties in there. And as for the yeastie beasties. If someone is more prone to yeast infections, then they would tend to react to any scented bath product, not just a sugar based one. So they'd avoid this product anyway. And according to the OBGYN that I consulted on this very subject that is more of an internal imbalance not external to cause it. Now, if the person douched with the straight sugar top (remember that little cap has a lot of water to dissolve into) then they're just asking for trouble, and who in their right mind goes looking for a itchy, fiery va jay jay?
  19. Being that this is your first year, to be honest, I'd probably space them out a bit more. It's exhausting. You don't know what will sell and what won't. You're on your feet all day, with a smile on your face talking up people about your products. Set up, tear down, arranging and decorating your booth to look appealing. You are going to want to have lots of time in-between to not only "tweak" products look and set up, but to work on what you need to take next time, your spiel and of course, making fresh product. Good luck with your first show. Make sure you think of all the possible questions that you will be asked. I'm not sure what you sell, but I do B&B, so I took reference sheets with me for the first while. That way, when someone says "why would you put "x" in here?" I can tell them of the benefits. Also, I like to tell them my rational for getting into this business and my philosophy on skin care. Rehearse to the family, talk to yourself in the car....Most of all, have fun!
  20. People never cease to amaze me, thats why I have a psych degree. I totally would have guilted her..."Sorry, we don't take cheques anymore because we've had customers that don't honor them". Mind you, depending on my mood the words "dirt bag and scam artist" may pop up, but I'd try to hold my tongue. LOL!
  21. http://www.uline.com/Browse_Listing_230.asp?desc=Deluxe+Reclosable+Bags I use these, I package massage bars and bath melts in them, they don't seem to bleed scent on me. I can put a fold tag on them, or a label.
  22. Alberta Beeswax is good to deal with, my friend who is a chandler deals with her. She also likes her fragrances. Right now www.lyndenhouse.net is closing its doors and going to an online store only and they are having a HUGE sale on wax and candle scents and jars. They are my major supplier. Otherwise, www.canwax.com is also an excellent company to deal with. Um....for fragrances only, newdirections.ca is another one I like, they specialize in B&B, so I don;t know if theyre candle safe, cause I don't make candles!
  23. Thats a good idea, about printing off our regs. And most definitely, if I were selling something and I was doing something wrong with labeling, then I'd want to know so I can correct it. I have a feeling even if I say something, nothing will change. I live in hicksville, people are pretty slack ass about stuff like that. I swear there are more people working off the books and for trade than on the books.
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