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Everything posted by jldorrington

  1. for a man of god someone is not very nice... no one is trying to be a jerk except you we are all being perfectly honest that after two months someone should not be able to sell. if something were to happen and your candles were to cause a fire you could loose everything unless you have insurance which i doubt you have. 2 months 3000 candles there's no way you tested unless you haven't slept in 2 months
  2. my point is moot.. hm interesting.. well i suggest you read more into this board... trust me spend a couple hours hear just skipping around and i'll bet you'll learn more in those couple hours then you have in 2 months of making candles
  3. this weekend i am playing with new scents making up a bunch of tins to hand out at my daughters b-day party see how everyone likes them. testing out bermuda triangle, hot apple pie, cool spring (all from ng) and caramel apple which smells so yummy OOB that i could drink it. and i think i've finally gotten my tarts down figured out just the right amount of beeswax to soy wax and they pop right out no cracking no freezer. now i jsut have to hope hubby didn't throw that paper out
  4. its not a matter of where you order from. most of us spend alot of time testing every single scent/wax/color combo to make sure our product is extremly safe and high quality. it is a little insulting to people who put in years of hard work making sure their stuff is the best it can be and other people come on here talking about candles like they know everything there is to know and that person has only been doing it a few weeks to a few months
  5. ok this was my original post let me add to it what i meant to before :rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2 i was by no means justifying anything
  6. all i have to say is you guys should look at his website he's very into what he does.......
  7. oh man i wish i would have saved that site i ran a cross a site that distributes in wholesale to dollar stores.. actually as far as i could tell anyone can order from them but its dollar store stuff and i mean everything from stationary, jars, food, and cleaning products. and the stuff was DIRT CHEAP.. its insane
  8. i know.. i only used it yesterday but i LOVE it i was able to get 4 scents poured in less than half the time. it was great... even hubby was impressed. he kept asking if he could fill it lol.. he's so cute
  9. wohoo i got mine off ebay spigot already attached. I know i know i paid like $50 but IMO paying the extra money was worth not having to install the spigot myself and ruin a completly good presto pot
  10. ouch i've seen alot on this board but those last two posts seemed a little harsh maybe she knows them as something else other than tarts
  11. we are big e-bay sellers and use usps all the time everything gets there really quick (which my feedback loves lol) and we've never had any lost or damaged pkg's (knock on wood)
  12. i think candlwic sells votive boxes if your interested in keeping them seperate.. when you go into packaging thats all they have lol. Quoted from site : Votive Display Box Each box holds 24 15-hour votive candles. Each box is printed with "Handcrafted candles by _____" so you can personalize your shipments. Price per box with cardboard insert included they may not be what your looking for but it may help their $1.05 ea
  13. i found the places that were mentioned before but i also found this place but couldn't actaully look at what they have cause you need a tax id and stuff to register. i don't know if you have one but if you do they might have what your looking for http://www.firstandmain.com/wax.asp
  14. lol we are all horrible... funny as hell but horrible. someone comes on here looking for help and what do we do? crack jokes. oh crap i'm the one who started this. ::::{creeping towards door slowly trying to escape un- noticed ok i know i saw some place that had a whole bunch of dipable thingy's i don't know if there were cats but let me search around see if i can actualy give you real help. i prob won't get till it tomorrow but i swear i will look
  15. i have two cats you are more than welcome to... i hope you don't mind that their real and they might claw the crap out of you when you go to dip them but hey moving air fresheners i think its a darn good idea
  16. lol it gets better i jsut stick with tins tealights and the occasional tart. much easier
  17. ok no i know its green lol you can kinda tell.. lol i was just giving you future reference lol
  18. woohoo and just incase your wondering black and grey are awesome color combo lmao... i love cool interesting looking candles. and especially something like that i would spend like $20 on lol i'm nuts. see why i started making my own.. but i can't do stuff like that
  19. absolutly hate it. if you send it to me immediatly i will dispose of it correctly... by displaying it beautifly on my totally awesome piller base that i have and haven't used cause i don't have anything nice enough to put on it lol... no i love it its really awesome
  20. i love factorydirectcraft.com they have so much stuff and alot of the prices really are unbeatable
  21. i don't know if this is the stuff your tlaking about but i found a whole bunch of rusted metal stuff here http://factorydirectcraft.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=1333
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