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Posts posted by Lorrie

  1. Ok, now for some more questions. What is the recipe and is it really humid there? Humidity can contribute to DOS but I would like to see your recipe.

    What are you curing your soaps on and what are you using to cut them?

  2. Where is the lavender from? Is is EO or FO? And the colors could be fading because you may have a little bit of ash going on. Mine sometimes fade when I don't cover the top of my soaps with plastic wrap.

    If you wash the top of the soap does the color brighten a little or not?

  3. The most that I have seen in my area for consignment is 20%. But I have heard some places depending on your craft can take up to 50%. Yes I know it is wholesale but when each party is happy then I guess who cares. I personally wouldn't do more than 30% but that's me.

  4. I can only find the jelly jars during canning season. I can find the Ball Mason or Kerr canning jars in 16 oz and wide mouths year round at the Walmart, grocers, and dollar stores. Mostly its hard finding jj's off season.

    I have the same problem there has to be some place to get them from in the winter months.

  5. I always taste questionable oils too, they can smell okay but taste off sometimes.


    Not all places sell food grade oils. Some sell them as manufacturing quality, I don't know if that makes a different but I wouldn't be tasting any that have that on the box just in case.


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