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Everything posted by tlc26

  1. I am glad I am not the only one! I got some because of all the raves here. YUCKYYYYY. I did give one to a friend to test and she loves it. Matter of opinion I guess! Happy pouring!
  2. NG has butt naked too. so they have all three. LMAO to me smells like the bbw sun ripened rasberry butt naked is fruity monkey farts is mostly banana
  3. Helpful Links For Newbies click this and read here.
  4. Anything that is water based like aftershave will not mix with wax. oil and water do not mix. Besides I would be afraid to put anything with alcohol in a candle. You have to figure if you are going to burn it anything that is in it will be very hot and it could catch fire.
  5. I don't think it is black mold. You would have mold every where else in your housebefore you would have it near the air ducts. Black mold is a type of mold. It refers to the color of the mold. There are tons of types of black mold and very few are actually dangerous. Staccybotrous (sp?) is the bad one that can affect children and elderly. In order for mold to grow you must have a few variables. Mold will not grow if one variable is missing. Mold grows in warm, dark, damp places. It must have a food source. Bacteria on anything can serve as the food source and there must be water or moisture of some kind. Near an airduct the air would be very dry unless you live in a very humid area. MOld begins to grow within 24 to 48 hours of water being introduced. Mold will also 'bite' into the surface of whatever it is growing on. Have you ever seen a bath tub with a window in the wall by it? ususally the wood frame of the window gets wet and mold will begin to grow. If you were to try to wipe it off the surface mold spores would come off but the wood would still be discolored from the mold that has bitten into the wood, the only way to remove it is to scrape out that wood or replace it all together. If you can just wipe the black stuff off after it has been there for a long time. Is is probably not mold. Never wipe mold away. Kill it first then wipe it clean. Every time you wipe mold beofre it has been killed you release millions of mold spores into the air and then breathe them into your lungs. In one breath in a clean home or outside (no where near mold) you inhale something like 60,000 mold spores (I think that is the right number..it has beena while since my last class). Sorry that was long but I am a mold remediation specialist. I get black sooty looking marks on the ceiling above my vents if I have not changed the filter on my furnace. It says right onthe label once a month or every 30 days the furnace is running. I also smoke. I am sure that is why the air in my house is yucky. This happened even before I smoked in the house, but know that I do it is worse, faster and darker. edited to say: try an air purifier that should help. also if your air intake is blocked i.e. boxes stacked up in front of it, move the stuff make sure your intake is free and clear.
  6. I don't have words of wisdom for you seeing as I am not to that point yet, but I do have to say: Dang !!! Your products look fabulous! Your hard work has paid off. If and when I get my store I would definately put your products in it (minus the candles because I would have my candles in it)
  7. They are awesome! All of them! I hope you get back into them! I want to see more! !!!!
  8. Very nice!!!! Can't wait for the rest tomorrow!!!
  9. I like number 2! My suggestion would be: it looks lopsided to me. The script on the right look big compared to the ball. I would move the business name to the left side of the ball and then lower it a bit so it kind of fits in the 'nook' of where the flecks are and then extend the flecks above the script a bit further over the rest of the word Ellusionz edited to add that I reallly like the shadowy image of the candle in the ball! Very cool!
  10. mountain spring and rain shower I would then call it 'mountain rain' or something similar you could add some maple pecan to the hazelnut coffe
  11. Ok here is what I think. Sorry if you think I am harsh. You did ask! Hope I don't offend. I LOVE the idea of the fairy. I think it goes with the name ellusions. I just don't like this fairy. I think her face is funny looking, not sweet and pretty. Her forehead is way to big. When I think Fairy I think beautiful, majestic etc. She is not. She kind of looks like a Chucky (the horror movie Chucky) fairy. Her dress being open in the front does not look nice. The dress flowing out is a nice idea but by the time you get the the wavering end of the dress it looks like she is standing on some platform type thing. To me fairies "float" right? I think her wings should have some more color. I do like the crystal ball and the glimmering flecs around it. I think with a few adjustments to the fairy this would be an awesome label and logo. sorry so long.
  12. very nice! they are perfect for the FO!
  13. http://www.geocities.com/lwoollen_25/FragranceFinder/P.html just scroll down to find peony. Hint; it also suggests to look under black currant peony and pink peony!
  14. More Details: Melt Point 139. Great for translucent overpour & chunks. This fully refined paraffin wax has a great translucent quality and is perfect for chunk pillars or votives, and is pliable enough so it makes a great Cut & Carve wax! It's also the most popular wax for dipping bears. Good mold release and burn charachteristics. This wax can also mottle and produce a great rustic look with certain fragrance oils and no other additives. This wax will require repours. does not have a high FO load though! only 3% by wieght! It is called semi -translucent I have found that it is about as good as you get for transclucency. I have heard about a clear pillar wax. I think candlewic carries it, but I have not tried it
  15. There are a fwe things that I wanted from Peak that are sold out right now. I sent Alan a pm and he resonded right away. I am going to wait to place another order. I know it is hard to wait on items, but Peak supplies are definately worth the wait!! You will be glad you waited!
  16. They are beautiful! I guess you could try to roll a piece of wax for the middle thingy instead of dipping the paperclip, just like you cut and carve the petal piece. Then again why fix what is not broken! Again they are beautiful
  17. The only problem I have ever had with remelting is with a mottle! If I have to remelt a mottle it never gets the same mottle! the votives ROCK!!!
  18. I like the contrast! I can't see the crackles either! again it could be my monitor.
  19. very pretty bet it smells great!
  20. looks cool! that is definately one to keep for the candle shelf!
  21. I make pillars and my mold sealer (the grey sticky stuff that looks like silly putty) gets ooey gooey when warm! While it is much harder when it is room temp or cooler. Mold sealer is used to plug wick holes or seal any holes around the wick and wick hole on the outside of the mold. If you are making containers you should use one of the methods Glowlite suggested!
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