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Everything posted by crazycacti

  1. I have a bunch i don't use and would probably be willing to part with a couple! pm me if interested!
  2. Thanks!! All sounds so easy AND therapeutic! Don't think BF appreciates that the two bags of wax have been ocupying the corner of my counter for a few weeks while i pondered!! that and the fact i work a nd go to school-my brain can only handle so much! now to find the hammer and screw driver or pillow case!! hmmmmmmmmmmmm Happy weekend!! maybe i will have tarts when this is all over!!
  3. So I have been dying to make some tarts I have two types of wax that was going to use a 70/30 blend and get to work Problem: Wax in large blocks Looking for a simple solution to a probably simple problem that is beyond my grasp at moment Do not own fancy tools-how would one go about breaking off pieces? I have a tiny saw-for jewelry/silversmithing and tried to saw it before but blades so flimsy it breaks!!! TIA
  4. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i have been using the whip thing-all the metal loops-maybe I should pull out my attachments and use a different one! and i thought I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO smart soap is disproving this!!!
  5. unfortunately-am still on younger end of 30! I did make a soap this evening and I put the pumice in it-I left it on counter right next to the FO!! can't wait to unveil tomorrow!! by the way-my understanding to fail a drug test from eating poppy seeds-you would have to eat almost a solid poppy seed bagel! that would be gritty-but just my understanding-i do not have a lot of experience in drug tests!!! except a pool hall I worked at years ago took hair samples-they were serious and do not think you could blame a positive on poppy seed bagels!! LMAO!!
  6. Too funny about poppy seeds in soap making you fail a drug test!! Hope you are not eating the soap!! Have you ever researched this? I can not imagine not ingesting it and having it still make you fail a test! I buy oat flour which is ground oats-oatmeal preground-could not ask for more--right? also have pumice-but honestly every time I intend to put the pumice in the soap-i get way past that step and pour and put away and THEN remember!!!
  7. I took someone's advise from earlier and sold mine for 2.00 or 3/5.00 they went like hot cakes!!! maybe should try them at 2.50 or 3/6.00?
  8. In my part of the country there is an "old wives tale" regarding taking MSM same as you get at the tack store Just mix it up in something-do a search on google or somewhere Maybe internally would help the back?? I LOVE Tiger's balm can sniff it all day-if I had the time
  9. heaven scent candle & soap supply and for a good price also hasjack frost that is like a vanilla peppermint mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Not from same supplier-but an idea--why don't you buy MSM at a tack/feed store and then get the menthol crystals from a supplier?
  11. So I put some of the aroma ornies out at my booth at the antique mall today-had pumpkin pie, candy corn and christmas tree labeled them at 1.99 each or 3 for 5! thanks for the suggestion have some more mixed up and ready to bake when dry-hopefully they sale! I found the christmas tree to be a little much for me!! house smells like tea tree oil today mmmmmmmmmmmmmm made a toasted feet soap with shea, almond, tea tree and mandarin plum used a MP block that was lying around-so only made about 5 small bars!!!
  12. Thanks!! I did a bunch this way and does not look bad! Ribbon may be prettier!! They are all on a 4 shelf bookcase-so then they all start to look a little drab! Went by there today and did not notice any sign of any of the soaps disappearing (at the Antique Mall)--was tempted to do a count-but thought better!! Want to sell EVRYTHING and give myself a warm fuzzy feeling!!
  13. I was just packaging some up and was curious what you guys are selling yours for? I was thinking a buck, 1.25?? 1.50??
  14. So I am newer to the soap making world! But slightly obsessive I have made quite a few batches and was planning on hosting a holiday craft sale at my house with another friend in mid-November. Since then I have been invited to have some soap at an Antique Mall and now at a little flower type shop. I work full-time and go to school full-time and am kind of drowning. To top it off my printer is on the skitz-or just needs someone to straighten it out with my laptop. SO I have been throwing my soaps in plastic goodie type bags, printing a plain white label stating the flavor, some ingredients, and my contact info and using a silver twist tie. Have hopes of having better packaging soon Is this cheesy? to cheesy to put out there? I have made enough that is good to move some of it! Would anyone buy any in such drab packaging? Or do others also sale this way? I do not have a real mold yet so my soaps come out of like a kitty liter pan or box-so are not uniform and the right shape quite to buy and use the soap boxes that some use!! Any support/info/encouragement would be appreciated!!
  15. so if i make my wax and then separate off small quantities-add color and FO-and pour into my mini tart trays or ice trays and then pop in freezer for a couple minutes and pop out and move on to next color/smell? That easy? have some have been meaning to make forever now!!
  16. what about like home depot or lowe's? did you look there?
  17. learning curve here so my soap maker program tells me to give so many ounces water for whatever combination of oils i enter into it to discount it i just use less than that and this is what happens? magic?? like instead of 32 oz use 25? or more substantial a discount-or less? TIA
  18. might be good for the no carb diet........................................ just in case you stop all carbs for phase one may need to eat a teaspoon or two hee hee
  19. Do you exchange crisco for an oil? like iof there were a recipe that called for a particular oil substituting crisco would be nice? or do some recipes particularly call for shortening?? and crisco is different than lard-right? i always cook with olive oil and never have thought about all of these others! although I have a nice array of oils here now!!! Lard different than crisco?
  20. looks like fudge although a lot of the bars i am thinking are looking edible-or is that cuz I am on a diet??
  21. Do you add the cocoa powder to some of the oil and stir in right at trace? or does it need to soak for a long time? or do you add it with the oils at the beginning??
  22. i bought soap maker almost 2 years ago and just started using it and it is fun!! have not explored full experience since am new to soap making-but it is fun!! So east to vary a recipe a little and such!! enjoy
  23. I know this has been talked about before Was not finding it though If I wanted to use cocoa in a soap-do i just soak it in some of the oil and then add it after trace? How much would you use for a lb of oils? Was thinking someone had mentioned like a peppermint patty-doing half peppermint and have choc? any hints or tidbits of need to know? Thanks!
  24. So I went with orange and patchouli!! Smells good! Can't wait to see it!!
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