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Everything posted by crazycacti

  1. what is "rtcp" I mix mine outside-just bump furballs into backyard and mix in front-on top of recycle bin then carry inside and leave in counter-no spills-pretend it is a martini glass and go with it-you knw you never spill a martini!!
  2. I would like to try to make a couple also and am also having issues visioning the lines-thanks for asking--i thought I was the only one not quite getting it! Also thought would be a neat idea to copy and give away to battered women!! Please share!!
  3. I took a lampwork bead class through the local parks and rec a couple summers ago. very fun. unfortunately the class only allows about 10 people and there is always a wait-somehow I lucked out that time around!! I enjoyed it though! Would suggest you do that before you buy a bunch of supplies-as us obsessive compulsive ppl know-hobbies can waste a lot of money-especially if once try it-don't like it!!
  4. Sure I have seen before but cannot make a name out of it right now..... SC??? Thanks!
  5. Any ideas where one might find these-or what other FO's could be combined to get these two scents? Have a customer requesting!!! TIA!
  6. So I found a recipe for milk bath 1 cp powder milk 1 cp baking soda 1T cornstarch 10-15 drops FO Has been cold and windy today Think am gonna shake some up and go crawl into a hot bath Anyone else use this or add a little something something or substitute something? Newer in the world of bath and body and open to ALL suggestions! TIA
  7. I was perusing the recipe section and there was a body butter recipe that used 4 oz of Jojoba is there a decent substitute for Jojoba? Don't remember who's recipe it was-used CCB and shea and the jojoba tia
  8. i recommend sneaking into your nearest lab and stealing their scale! I work in lab at hospital and I use a scale a lot when mixing stuff up--and I have contemplated stealing it--would anyone really notice?? next time they go to weigh a specimen and think............hmmmmmmmmm where did the scale go?
  9. I just ordered citric acid-5#!!!! and SLSA and some Kaolin i am about to be on a roll!!!!! Now have to go sit out by street for hopefully not too many days and wait on UPS man!!!!
  10. So you just sew up a bag inside-on three sides-flip right side out and then sew two more lines-on each edge? Stuff with flax seed and sew closed? or have flax seed inside a liner? I am interested!! About to have a couple weeks off work and need a project!
  11. just happens I will be in SD in a few weeks..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. So I think I tried to hijack another thread going currently on shea butter (sorry) and it did not work! I am wondering if you add shea or any other butters to CP--when do you add? With your solids -as they are solids-and melt? when you add your liquids? after you add the lye and are almost to trace? Thanks!!!
  13. thanks!! Will look into it this weekend!!
  14. any suggestions on a cheap route for buying citric acid? I looked at local brewery store and an ounce was more than a buck-or something crazy!! I want to play with different products-so want a bunch!! Cheap TIA
  15. I did not realize to add the oatmeal before the lye!! Thanks!! Learn more everyday!
  16. I had to add that the soap looks amazing-yes like a birthday cake!! I am no where NEAR that intricate yet--but now have aspirations!!
  17. learning curve here-so when you use shea (or other butters)-you add it and melt it with your solids? add it when you add the liquids? or wait until the lye has been added and headed towards trace? when do you add butters? TIA--have been meaning to ask since wanting to experiment!!
  18. I did an evergreen that I thought was great and it did not go so well. Also had a jack frost-the peppermint vanilla. If only everyone's tastes were like mine. Pumpkin vanilla went really well when I thought it was not so great smelling. funny!! i would like some eggnog--i did not have any of that!!
  19. saw someone at farmers market yesterday with a small organza bag with aroma beads sellng for 4.00-not sure if moving them or not!!
  20. MAde my first bath bombs today 4T citric acid 4Tcornstarch 1/2 c baking soda 3oz oil I used 2 oz samsara and 1 oz sweet almond oil I put them in a heart ice tray mold-too make small ones Guess it said to tap them tightly in and then will pop out better keeping shape They did not keep shape very well-but pieces i scrunched into balls Let set 3-4 hours and ready? Sound right? Are not for sale-more for personal use and gifts-niece and such Is this how others make theirs? or does anyone have a suggestion? Was quite humid here today-rainy!! Was working the street fair but was pouring rain and 40 degrees and people were closing tents and not many were out shopping so people i work for let me and other girl go home!! Better luck tomorrow!! Felt bad for small timers who might have paid steep fees to have a booth-was a candle booth across from us! She was not getting business!!
  21. so when i pull out the other attachments and use the right one-is my soap going to go faster? And what does air in soap do to it??
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