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Everything posted by LovelyLathers

  1. I am on a jurying committee and the chairperson of a festival. I know by our jurying process that the folder of photos are not nessecary at all. We will not really look at all of them, especially when we have 100 applications for 30 spots or so. . We are looking for a nice clear photo of your work. We like when people send in a photo and put one or 2 lines with it about the product. We also like to see a nice display. People who do not send a display pic have less of a chance of getting in when there are 4 or 5 others with the same thing. Pics that are dull, blurry and hard to see the items they also have less of a chance. we like to see groups of products in one picture with very little distractions around it Maybe a picture of 5 items you make in a basket with a bow on it and a flower or 2 to make it look classy if they are small items or a few of them may be at different heights. maybe a few books under the back row to add depth to the pic. We require new pics every year as we know the items change and that the styles sometimes change. We do return the pics to everyone. We make it clear to all that just because you are accepted one year it does not mean you will be accepted the next. Each promoter is different in the requirements so check with them. Aslo a lot of the applications have the rules for photo spelled out. They may want a pic of your work area or a pic of you making your item because there are alot of people cheating and trying to sell imports as homemade. Sorry this is so long. HTH
  2. I really don't know how long I whip it. I just do it until it doubles. I do melt it until it is very soft. Some will be completely melted too. Then I whip and put it in the freezer for 3 minutes or so and whip more. It will get like whip cream it will harden after a bit too so you do not want to whip it too much. Also it will collapse if you over whip it. I never have tried not whipping it so I really can't answer that Friendly mom. Thanks for the kind words about the scrub too.
  3. I use clay with fbb as a shaving cream with some avocado oil, hemp oil, olive oil. I used about a Tablespoon for 2.5 lbs. I really like it and so did my testers. I added it when it was almost completely whipped.
  4. Have you tried putting it in the freezer for about 5 minutes and then rewhipping? Then whip for awhile and put it back in the freezer. Keep doing that untill it stays whipped. Are you using a stand up mixer or a hand one? I found with my stand up it works much better. I also put my beaters in the freezer for a few minutes sometimes to help. I have never put glycerin in mine though, that may be the reason it won't whip too.
  5. Very pretty swirls. I think they look great, no poop from what I see.
  6. It looks scary at first but really it is not. I was so concerned the first time I made soap. The fear of Lye lol but did it once and it was not as scary as it looked. Just read everything you can, FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES and you will be fine. For scrubs, lip balms and such it is not scary at all just jump in and have fun.. Don't forget the safety rules and do all your research first. Also remember to ask questions if you do not understand, never feel stupid for asking if you need to understand it better. Some one will try to help. Renember we were all beginners at one time. Good Luck!
  7. Coconut oil is in the food section where the oils, shortening and lard are. In the walmart here it is on the top shelf it is in a white plastc container with a green lid and is made by LouAna
  8. It looks wonderful. I like that round look too. I guess I am going to have to buy pringles. The neighborhood kids are going to love me today, I don't eat them.
  9. I hope you bought some great goodies. Walmart has some great items for soaping. I got some silicone bakeware there perfect for molds. Let us know how you did.
  10. This is the ones I use. I just make a pointed end on them with a knife. http://www.lnt.com/sm-ice-tubes-inc-ice-tube-tray--pi-1362539.html
  11. I love the look of the plastic ones CandleMan has posted. I do not use glass in the bathroom for items like that. I am afraid that a child would break it and get hurt.
  12. I never heard of it, would you explain it to me please. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the replies. I have some but was just wondering. I saw it on the shelf at Home Depot. Just thought I would ask. Thanks Sue
  14. Thanks for answering. I am sorry my question was not clear. I was wondering if it is 100%? I know that nothing is listed so I am not going to buy it but thought I would ask. Sue
  15. I found Zeb Lye but it is not 98% to 100 % Am I correct? Nothing listed on the label. TIA Sue
  16. No she has really no medical problems but poor circulation and had a heart attach 5 years ago. . The circulation problem may be what caused it to happen the Dr. believes. Made some oil for her to try and see if it helps. She hates to have her hands look bad that is why she is trying to fix this problem. She will not have any overlay on her nails, and she is firm about that!
  17. You can line it with a trash bag or use freezer paper. Many people make mylar liners to fit exactly in the mold. I have not tried that. You should cover it with saran to protect it from sticking to what ever you have covering it. At least that's what I do. Then you can cover it with heavey piece of cardbroad or why not have him make a lid too. it can be anything that fits across the top. HTH Sue
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