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Everything posted by LovelyLathers

  1. Sounds like they came out very good. I never tried ohp. only cphp and love it. I do know that an oo one I made took a long time from start to finish but it is a great soap! Well worth the time.
  2. Maybe you can check out the sizes by doing a search of websites that sell molds and they will give you the measurements. Sue
  3. Nice job. Isn't a great feeling making your first?
  4. I use cocoa powder to get a nice brown but if you use too much it will stain the washcloth.
  5. I add silk to all my soap now. The shaving soap is wonderful with it. I add about a cotton ball size to the lye water for a 4 lb batch
  6. OMH and Lavender are great sellers for me. Also unscented oo goat's milk does very well too. I do think it is what people in your area like and buy.
  7. Very nice. I also think you are undercharging.
  8. Nice job Mag. Love the swirls. The gold mica really adds to it. Sue
  9. Very nice soaps! I love the vanilla lace one
  10. It is difficult to help with out seeing the other ingredients and the % of each. If you can please post them. It will help a lot.
  11. It sounds like a major task but I wish I had done it when my compter bit the dust on me and everything was in it. 3 Years worth of work lost! I did not have a hard copy of recipes or notes. I now burn a cd once a month so I always have them plus print everything out when I formulate anything. . Always back things up. One of these days I am going to get an external hard drive to keep things on too as a back up.
  12. Congrats.. It is so much fun. Watch out now the addiction comes!
  13. That looks great. I can't wait for the cut pics!
  14. Those colors are wonderful. They are nice and bright. Great swirls!
  15. I put a warning on mine too. Better safe then sorry.
  16. Very pretty. The top swirls look great.
  17. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I love wrapping them instead of naked. I seem to sell them better.
  18. These are a few of the soaps I have been making For a show this past weekend. The first one is of soap cakes. Pumpkin, Chocolate/Raspberry Mint, and Lavender. The blue one is Patch/orange. The last one is OMH Cranberry/black Pepper and Goat's Milk Shea with silk.
  19. That's right you don't need a picture of each item but small grouping are nice and one of your display. Don't over decorate for the pics as we want to see the product . A small pumpkin is nice a few leaves are great but not so much that you distract from the products. I ask for 3 or 4 pic.. one being of the display. A few people have sent us ones done on the computer all on one page. and a smal write up on the bottom of each. We loved that. Easy to look at, We could see the whole presentation at one look. Nicely done it looked super. We had 3 people submit the pics that way this year. . They used glossy full page photo paper and a small sticker underneath for the discription.
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