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Everything posted by Freezin

  1. It is a great place to learn from and to discuss info with people that share your passion! I agree with DC, Steph make your font bigger, some of us our old and can't see well anymore...LOL.
  2. That is good news! I think they are listening and that makes me happy.
  3. I am really liking the 1343A. It is very fun to play with. I think it makes amazing rustics and great mottles. Can even get smooth creamy ones out of it (I did that on accident...LOL)
  4. I bet it felt really good to do that. Candle making is very relaxing for me, it is probably the aroma theray....LOL
  5. Those are very, very nice. I love the flutter one also, love the colors.
  6. Those look so nice! Your candles look great on them too : )
  7. Mizbizzy is in denial...don't think we are buying it for a minute.....LOL
  8. I am not much of a bakery scent person, but luckily I have a couple that do testing for me and they love bakery scents, so I know I have to keep them in stock. They just make me too hungry. For me it seems the men that buy from me really like the cinnamon scents or bakery scents.
  9. You can use your candle scents with your room sprays no problem. You can use them for body sprays as long as they are bath and body safe. Sometimes you have to worry about them for linen sprays because they might stain.
  10. :wave: Hi and welcome to the board! Bruce words of wisdom were right on. There are so many candle supply company's out there right now. What might work for you is looking for one that is close to where you live. That might narrow things down a bit for right now. There are so many wonderful sections on this board that if you do a search, you can pull up information on about anything. I think you will be spending hours and hours reading the next few days. Making candles is so much fun, but waaaaayyyy more complicated and involved than I thought it ever would be. Good Luck !
  11. Maybe I do it wrong, but I level my pillars after I remove them from the mold.
  12. I have tried it and didn't not find it superior to my current wax. It was messy, but many people have perfected techniques to get through that (wearing latex gloves, fishing wire, etc). I think it is like evey other thing in candle making, what works for some doesn't work for others!
  13. yep, try a nylon. I use that when I need for both pillars and votives.
  14. Haven't seen those yet Sharon. I might have to go over the the website and check it out!
  15. If I have left over container wax, I pour it in a mold for my use. My container wax is a bit too soft for my tarts/clammies.
  16. Diamond, I was just thinking about that because of the clamshells coop and discussing oz's. I had always just filled mine just above the cavity, but I am not thinking of filling them fuller. I use a votive wax and I have been happy with it.
  17. I agree lavendar would be very nice. I like he label a lot. Even a pale yellow would look good in my opinion. When I see your label I think in pastels. It is very pretty.
  18. There has been quit a few discussions about this in the past on the board. If you do a search in the old forum you will get a lot of information. Some people seem to think it really helps, but other don't.
  19. Those are really terrific and a great way to package multiple soaps for a gift. Love it!
  20. It certainly is a struggle at times. I have three kids, two in school and one not. There are times that I won't make candles for days because it doesn't fit the schedule, but sometimes I can a lot more time if my oldest is available to help out with the youngest. All of them but the youngest love to help with candles. They really love to help me shrink wrap...LOL. They love to press down the bar....but I will take any help. The best thing is the entire family seems to embrace the candle making thing and hubby, even though won't admit it, is a big advocate for me....and helps me make them when I am really busy!
  21. I use the color block in vanilla, but a little seems to go a way. Sometimes those really pack a powerful punch.
  22. Those are really, really nice. I think you could sell them in a heartbeat. Nice color combinations.
  23. LOL...that was great. I think you have it under control : )
  24. That looks pretty cool. I love Candleman's idea though. I think that would look great.
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