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Ring of Fire

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Everything posted by Ring of Fire

  1. I think she was asking how to market her wax. As in what to call it. I say para-soy or soy blend.
  2. I'm confused. You were boiling jars with wax in them?
  3. Why did you feel the need to post to this thread if that is how you feel? If it bothers you so just skip over them. The search feature sucks a lot of the time.
  4. Why not use the 2 ounce tins for wickless instead. That is a real small container to be wicking, IMO. Some people drive me insane with the lawsuit insurance thing. Just saying.
  5. Perfect. You said it better than all of us combined. 3.5 seconds is about all I could take but I lingered longer to look it over. If this was any old website I wouldn't even have lasted that long. I see this is your first post so you must be a lurker, LOL.
  6. Besides still hurting my eyes, major, when my cursor is just running over the links, all the sub categories fly out without having to click the link. That's annoying. Seriously ecco, with all the help you have gotten from people in the know, you are still ending up with some psycho 70's look? You could have your dark and light but be sophisticated at the same time. This is a design I would expect to see on a site selling black lights or hanging disco dance balls, not candles.
  7. I have to say eccolights, you are a real trooper and seem like a fun loving type of guy. You have taken everything in stride and been very gracious about it. You are a winner in my book.
  8. Nothing wrong with your question, don't worry about it. If you wanted to know what size wick you should use for every candle you are trying, then that is a problem because it is impossible to know. Also, if you have been around here for any length of time, I am sure you have found out the search feature leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. Judiee is spot on. Her website is the type I would shop on. Easy navigation, beautiful presentation of her products, (outstanding photos) no distractions. All these suggestions are wonderful and typically what I imagine most people would like to see, no matter what age they are.
  10. Since you can take it, the entire site literally hurts my eyes. All the different color fonts are way to loud and distracting as are the photos themselves because of the background. I don't think it is an age thing either. When clicking on soy tarts and candles in the middle of your home page, a new window comes up. IMO, never a good thing to shop on a site ending up with 10 windows open. Your etsy link at the top of the page does not bring you to etsy without an additional click but clicking on painted glassware and warmers brings up your etsy page. Sorry, but it's a bit challenging to even roam your site let alone going through the purchasing process.
  11. Very pretty! I am no longer depressed, LOL
  12. Gorgeous as always. You do such nice work.
  13. Who would ever get tired of looking at your candles. Just beautiful.
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