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Everything posted by Forrest

  1. On cool nights when the moon was out we would sit around the campfire, and I would tell the children horror stories about using soy wax. Mother would keep the little ones inside or they wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.
  2. When I tested my tins the zinc was a little too big and the CD was just right, so I’m testing my FOs with the zinc. Maybe I did something right for a change. For these new Jars the difference between the CD and zinc is a bit larger, I think I’ll test an FO I am familiar with using the zinc. If that doesn’t work the next size CD would be worse so I’ll have to try something else.
  3. I think I paid $23 for a case, which isn't bad because I'm not reselling them. My wife really likes them and she hates mason jars. She also loves the vanilla champagne, it is our new go to scent.
  4. Well the dang thing burned like a champ last night. If it keeps going like that I may be able to get some fall candles to my daughters before winter sets in.
  5. First off there isn’t a right way and a wrong, all ways shall be judged by their results. There is a way that we do things at NASA. The technical term for what we are doing is establishing a baseline. So in this case my baseline is a 51 zinc in an 8oz tin, I tested a bunch of wicks to get there. Always testing without FO allows me to compare my test results. When I burn a new FO in the tin I’ll always start with a 51 zinc and wick up or down base on how that first candle burns. I suspect most FO will work with my baseline wick. I’m not sure I see any benefit to using FO in my testing. I lack the experience and intuition that you have so I have to follow a process. I would say that you should ignore what other people are doing, because what you are doing is clearly working. BTW did you recognize the jar? I found a case on eBay at a good price.
  6. I have a lot of knowledge that I gained from reading this board, but there is no substitute for experience, and sometimes I need help from those with the experience I lack. The 8oz tin has 6006 with a 51 zinc and NG Vanilla Champagne, it had been burning three hours. I’m thinking that I need to up wick this one, probably due to the Vanilla. The jar is four hours into the second burn test, it has 6006 with no FO and a CD10. I tested had this with a CD6 and after four hours I had a very small flame and a 2 inch MP. I’m thinking this looks over wicked and I may need to retry the CD6 and trim my wick a little longer. What do you think?
  7. Flaming should hire you to write the descriptions of their FOs. at least the ones you like.
  8. I'm putting it in wax right now, if it works I'll get a bigger bottle.
  9. That's the one I was trying to remember, but I'll just try them all. I have a big bottle of Kudzu, it is my wife's favorite.
  10. They are just under two hours south of me. Does Tangerine Dreams throw well for you? I have a sample, but I didn't like it when I tried it, but I had rejected Luxe Linen until my wife smelled it in one of Trap's candles, it's funny how fast she can change my opinion.
  11. I use a few of their FOs and need to place an order soon, so I’ll need to get some sample sizes to feed my addiction. I’ll be ordering Luxe Linen and Lemongrass.
  12. Would I get better hot throw out of one triple wicked candle or two single wicked candles if the surface area of the triple wicked was the same as the two single wicked candles?
  13. Well the only thing I can say on this subject is CD8s and CD6s test the same for me and they work fine with 6006 in tins at 80 degrees, but If I burn them in my bedroom they tunnel. I always thought 464 needed a bigger wick than 6006, it that is true then I can't see anything smaller than a CD10. My guess is it has to do with the batch you are testing and the results might not work for new candles. Not much help am I?
  14. But what about the 8 months cure time? Is the effect going to be different for soy because in 6006 a two months cure time would pretty much counteract 6 degrees.
  15. How warm was it in your house? A CD8 works for me with 6006 at 80 degrees. I would think a CD10 would be too small for 464.
  16. I’m no expert here but I believe that as long as a candle is curing it is still in the manufacturing phase. Also I suspect by storage they mean product and equipment you aren’t using. As far as sales from the home that applies to people coming to your home to buy things. These rules are primarily made to keep home based businesses from disturbing the neighbors. So long as your business activities are transparent to your neighbors you shouldn’t have a problem.
  17. I recently blended WSP’s Blood Orange with Lebermuth’s Fresh Orange and it was the orange I had been looking for. Even better I needed a eucalyptus to blend with Lemongrass. WSP’s eucalyptus had a pleasant fragrance, but not much like eucalyptus. Flaming’s eucalyptus seemed to incorporate the worst the fragrance notes of true eucalyptus. I blended those two and got exactly what I needed. Are any of you blending the same scents from different suppliers?
  18. That’s a great idea for testing blends. I’ve been using TT’s salt and candle warmer method, which works great for more complex blends. Right now I have WSP Blood Orange in an 8oz tin and Vanilla Champagne in another, so I’m going to burn them together and see how it works. I recently blended the Blood Orange with Lebermuth Fresh Orange and it worked great, I’ll use that in my final product. I think my wife would be happy if I stopped making candles, she wants me to do something more challenging. If anyone knows of something more challenging than double wicking an 11oz tureen with 6006 please let me know.
  19. When I was a teenager a tart wasn't something that you melted so it would smell good
  20. I’m not an expert here, but this is a subject I have studied from several angles. The thing you have to be careful about is not letting the background detract from your subject. If you are going to have a background it should be there to enhance the product. When you look at the picture your eye should be instantly drawn to the subject. I highly recommend that you take multiple pictures from different angles and using different f stops. After that trust you eye as to which is the best.
  21. Photoshop has been one of my hobbies for the past nine years and I’ve read a lot and learned a little about graphic arts. I love the colors and textures in your pictures. Photo composition is all about brain chemistry and the brain likes things to be level, like the first shot, second shot is also good because the subject is level. If I were processing these pictures I would reduce the color in the background and blur it a little to make the product pop. You should be able to do that with any photo manipulation software. I started with Photoshop Elements, but there are less expensive alternatives, you may already have one on your computer. The problem is learning to use them. That’s just my opinion, I also think your soaps look great!
  22. I started in the spring of 2017, I thought it would be easy and a great way to save money on candles. I have never been more wrong about anything in my life. Now I’m broke, I have a few serviceable candles around the house and I have a serious FO addition.
  23. Thanks, that's good to know. I put a few drops of Bamboo & White Grapefruit on a cotton ball and used it in my car this morning, very pleasent drive to work. Trap got me started on the Vanilla Champagne, I'm thinking about blending it with a little orange and calling it a Mimosa. My wife loves the tropical fruity scents and NG's are the best I've found.
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