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Everything posted by Daisymay66

  1. Oh wow, Spiced Pumpkin Latte sounds amazing! got a sample of Main Street Christmas. I'll have to make sure and try that one thanks for sharing!
  2. Really? I bought a 16oz bottle but no luck
  3. Oh my gosh girl! You don't know what I'd give to be able to drive to 1 supplier, let alone 3!!!! So stinking jealous
  4. Ya know, this is so true for me too. And it's not like I'm a newbie just starting out that I don't know any better but soooooo many times I won't like OOB smell so it don't make it into wax. I think how many of them could be great oils but I'll never know :(
  5. Hope some peeps respond to you! I'd like to order 16oz bottles since it's such a good deal but sure would be nice to have some recommendations with this wax!!
  6. Oh dear Lord! I wish I would not of seen this!! How long is the sale? Thru the weekend? I ordered 35 oils from FB about 5-6 months ago and only put 2 in wax. Kinda forgot about them till reading this. How sick is that? Lol and all them pumpkin ones you listed Belinda I'm a extreme pumpkin lover but still on the hunt for that perfect one. Count me in!
  7. Will you please share your thoughts when you get them? I'd love to order but after looking in my candle room it's like omg really? But then I always think hmmmm one of those oils just could be the one..you know, the one that makes the most amazing candle ever!! Lol :)
  8. Thanks so much for sharing! Wow, have you been busy!! How long did it take you too pour all them? Love your videos! Pretty amazing guy you are
  9. Wow Candybee you rock with the names! Love them all!!
  10. I guess this is how I look at it. There is no choice for me on if I want to test or not. If I want my customers to have the best smelling candle I can make I HAVE to test. There is no other way to know that without testing. It definetly isn't my favorite part but it's so worth it when you have your customers tell you..oh my gosh, I just LOVE your candles! They are the only ones I buy!! It's all worth it then! :)
  11. Hey Steve! I know you have posted before where you get the salsa jars? But I don't remember. Would you mind sharing again? Thanks so much! :)
  12. I agree with Belinda big time! Sorry no help from me
  13. Oh boy! Looked on the Texas Candle supply website and see quite a few I'd like to try. The whole Western theme sounds pretty cool! Any other recommendations from there? Purdy please :)
  14. Hey Girl! Awesome! You answered my question perfectly! I've never ordered from Texas so now wondering if I try one from my regular suppliers or just go there. I got a leather scent from somewhere a long time ago and not be gross but it smelled like barf in a bottle!! Yucky!! Lol thanks girlfriend as always..you rock!
  15. Does he make molds? I'd be interested too!
  16. Does the leather take over a lot using .75? Can you still smell the tobacco? Have you tried a 50/50
  17. That sounds like a super cute name for it! I love it!!
  18. Hi Faithfulscenter! Welcome back! I have tried self trimming wicks too. I didn't really they were self trimming. I mean, maybe a little better than non trimming wicks, but the fact remains I think peeps still need to trim them..and unfortunately most don't if bonking them in the head with their candle works, I'd definetly like to try that method! Lol I just made myself up a bunch of citronella candles in mason jars. I use my regular size wick and they are super strong. I've never tried the EO so not any help there. Sorry! Bourbon toasted pecans sounds amazing! Would you share where you get it? The Pumpkin Festival sounds like fun..lots of work though I bet if it's big! Glad you are back again! Have a great night!
  19. Wow, quite a few different likes. Glad you asked this! I was gonna ask it too
  20. I know that feeling! Lol I always say my good intentions don't get me very far
  21. BCN I see has added some of BCS oils
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