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Unique candles

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Everything posted by Unique candles

  1. Me either I am no help I love them all I would purchase a candle with any of the labels the all would catch my eye.
  2. Hi, I nature gardens carry a Christmas wassail and Texas candle supply I hope this helps.
  3. ok, I am back, I went to southern scentations meet the owner who is very nice, i purchase xmas past, pine and sweet potatoe and brown sugar, oob they all smell gr8 going to put them in my soy wax and use in my glass glow plam wax, i discovered that all my fo work in gg palm wax, but only the bakery scents work really good in soy wax, will keep you all posted.
  4. I will let everyone know what I purchase and the scents that I sniffed,lol
  5. Hi have any one purchase any fragrance from them? I think I may take a drive found out its about 45 minutes from me.
  6. Very nice love the trees,wish I knew how to make soap but one project at a time,keep up the great work!
  7. Same thing happen to me even if you chose yes that is the end then they just want personal info in or to enter a contest.
  8. Hi, it might be amusing but,it looks beautiful to me, keep up the great work,I love seeing photos.
  9. very nice, the brown one look like the one i made with the tortoise shell palm wax, all look great!
  10. Type of Soy or Soy Blend you use? cb 135 Additives if any? none Preferred dyes? flutters dyes Preferred wick (Not sizes)? rrd, csn and cdn depending on the fo Pouring temp you recommend? 140 What you do to prevent frosting? no frosting What you do to prevent rough tops? no rought tops Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? ipour cooler, and my jars are room temperture.
  11. Omg left over, I have never seen anything that beautiful using left over,lol Plz give a tutorials on these.
  12. Just beautiful u r really good at that keep it up also it would b great one day if u did a tutorial n making them.
  13. No way,keep posting the r all beautiful!
  14. Very beautiful I am very proud for you, I just love all your pieces you have show us, the jewelry and loved the vase,keep up the gr8 work.
  15. Good, I am looking for a pumpkin scent also, does candlesciene every have sales on their fragrance?
  16. Well, all I know is this is the best forum,we all learn by helping one another and it's great!
  17. Hi,try downloading it again and save it on your desktop or document folder then open up Microsoft words then go to open look for it on your desktop or documents folder then you should be able to see it.
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