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Posts posted by HeavenScentU

  1. I think I would contact a rental place and ask them that you are interested in renting wedding items, but you would like to take a look at the rental agreement. I don't see why they wouldn't let you take a look at one. know some office supply stores also have lots of contracts. Not sure what they cost, but you might be able to find something...

  2. Thanks Prairie, I will never give up on my dream, It just seems that as the years go by you are closer to your dream but it is still a long way away. When I had my stroke a year and 1 month ago I thought I would never be able to make candles again., it was over. But the desire to make candles was even stronger, now my candles are in over 20 stores around my state and into two other states in just 7 months. That is a huge accomplishment, but I still want more.. And I can't reach it fast enough.. I told my hubby that by next June of 2007 I am hoping that he is able to quit his job because we are going to be operating a candle distributing business... He believes me! That is all I need to make it happen.

  3. I really think you need to sit down and make sure your expenses will be covered. Everything doubles as a business. My insurance went from $75 a month to $175.00 a month. Advertising expenses are through the roof. I know most newspapers charge a weekly fee x however many weeks are in the year and it needs to be paid upfront or monthly. Advertising in the phone book is outrageous. I paid quarterly for a 1x1 inch ad. It was at least $150. a month. I did a commerical and that worked for me, but it wasn't cheap.

    I spoke with accountants and they said if you are making 80% more business income than you made the year before than your doing very well. But if you are making 100% more than it is time to consider opening a business. My business made 150% more this year so far than last year and we haven't even gotten to the busy busy season yet. This year I was blessed with great people to help me succeed in business. I really don't have a desire to open another store. I drive by Camille Beckmans building every week and hope someday to have a manufacturing plant with great employees.. I have to Stop dreaming!!! Good Luck!!

  4. I did notice that the wick does bend over a bit. I might have to wick down too. Isn't that false advertising. I was hoping never to have to trim my wick again, than I could burn all day long. Yes I am a marathon burner.... I am coming out of the closet.. But the house does smell great! I burned "Pure Seduction" today a Victoria Secret scent and it is awesome, but I really really like "Pink" :drool: I can't wait to burn that baby!..

  5. sucks! I ordered some molds from a company and it took so long I almost forgot I had even ordered them. Well long story short after months and months I finally received my molds. It really sucks because I had to email, call email, call, etc... no replies. Thinking maybe this person died or disappeared off the face of the earth. Finally after threatening to do a chargeback on my visa I finally received my stuff today and I placed the order back in April. What month is it now? I hate to deal with new companies that try to rip off customers isn't there something we can do to prevent this....:mad:

  6. I have done a few church bazaars and I tell you if you are not part of the congretation than it is going to be tough. The last one I did the people only visited the booths of the people they knew everyone else didn't make any money. The kids that were earning money for trips really made all the moolah. Can't complete with that...I haven't done any of them since.

  7. Last week I entered the local art gallery for November's Holiday sale and my candles were accepted in this juried event!! Yupeee!!!!!!! I never entered it thinking my candles were never good enough. This year I decided to try it and am so happy I did, because the gallery loved my candles and told me to make sure I have plenty to sell. I was baffled, because I didn't know how many I am going to need for the show. The ladies said I better have at least 5 extra cases, just in case they run out of the first case. I am in shock I told them I will make sure I have enough, but this event is only going to run for four days. If I sell 6 cases of candles I am going to up my price to double. I am so excited and just happy as can be. I hope my candles fly off the shelf. It is worth it even though I have to give 30% to the gallery. :yay:

  8. Ok, I know this may sound odd, but what does self trimming wick mean? I have purchased some wicks and they are supposed to be self-trimming. I assumed that meant as the wick burns it disappears with the flame. Right! Than why do I still have to trim the wick? What is up with that..

  9. Thanks so much for your input! I bought one container of lemon FO that was mixed in the case of Rosemary, so I will try that since I love both fragrances and I really really love eucalyptus and want to try that. I didn't realize I could do all that. Great!!!:grin2:

  10. Liquid lotion base, lotion base, and gel body base 2 cases of each. I am wondering what I can add to these. I got a great deal on all the lotions and one case of Rosemary FO. I love the fragrance but I think it might be too strong and would love to mix it with something else that would take it down a few notches... Please any help would be greatly appreciated...

  11. That is outrageous! I got ripped off too with At Wix End they did the same to me. I ordered 10- 1 oz. samples and 1- 8 oz. bottle. It costs me $25.00 for the scents and the total including shipping was $43.00 that is way too much. I even sent them an email to make sure if everything was correct. Weight was 2.5 lbs. No reply. That's why I say you have to watch the shipping costs when they have a sale, because it is just passed onto the shipping.

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