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Posts posted by HeavenScentU

  1. Last year I signed up for a website at createashoppe and it wasn't good. I signed up in April and paid upfront I think it was $10.00. I didn't get access for almost two months. After numerous emails to createashoppe and the company that had my credit card info. Absolutely to response I was terrified and had to cancel my credit card because they were attached to it and were taking my money. I had no idea, but to think it was a big scam!!! Since my credit card was cancelled the company could no longer try to get funds. So that is how they contacted me to ask what was wrong with the credit card information. Finally createashoppe contacted me and she said her system was down (for almost two months) not sure what the deal was, but after she let me into my account I only had 1 week before I had to pay for the next month. That didn't give me enough time to set my website up and asking for help was impossible from them. I wasn't a happy camper..... Hopefully their service is better now. Not sure what was really going on...

  2. I am currently working on a newsletter and am gather stuff. I love food recipes, so I was thinking of adding a couple. Either a great dessert, soup, or just a great drink. I don't know if you were going to mail them out or just add it to your website, but I am going to do a mailer, because I get hits on my website and this might be a good way to see who is viewing my website.

  3. I have been using the same soy wax from the same supplier for over 7 years now and have yet to see any black or dark soot on my jars. Even when I do refills of the soy candles that I have sold to customers I have never seen soot. That must be why they all tell me they can't believe my candles burn so clean on top of smelling great. Must be a ancient chinese secret thing......

  4. What people do to make a buck....I think we as candlemakers need to educate our customers so they won't believe the quacks out their that are misleading them just to take their money. I have been to craft shows where people push soy candles for $20.00 ea. and trash the crap out of paraffin. I know these people that sell these candles are trained to sell, sell, and sell...

  5. I have been asked to do a year round market that is consignment. My question is has anyone done anything like this? It is going to be in an upscale area where the prices are very high and opens in Oct.. I have only done one consignment and am kinda weary about doing this. I know I will have to take a look at the consignment contract but I need some advice on whether this would be a good idea or not...

  6. one store I sell wholesale to. The store owner called me to tell me that my candles smell so awesome that she is discontinuing her McCall candles and will just sell my candles. She said the scents I carry smell better than McCall candles and tons cheaper. I was really blown away with that comment and thanked her for those kind words. She has been placing an order of $500.00 every two weeks since August. She has been stock piling my candles, because she is going to start selling them at the upcoming holiday craft shows in her area as well as her three stores. I can't believe it.. It just made my day!!!:grin2:

  7. There are two Priority Mail boxes. One is a Flat Rate Box it has a huge red dot that states it uses one price regardless of weight for $8.10. The other box doesn't have the flat rate dot on it and is charged whatever the going rate is. I use these to ship in state and am charged $5-$6.00. If I ship out of state than the rate goes up so it is best to use the Red dot Flat rate box for $8.10. Hope this helps...

  8. I love the country look of your website. The only thing I have to mention is on the pillars section, I don't see the prices. As for the candle prices if you have been selling them for that than I wouldn't change it. I always test market my prices and adjust accordingly. Good luck!!!

  9. a story in the local paper or magazine and received business from it? I have been approached about doing a write up in a local magazine on how I started my candle business. I am such a private person I am not sure if I would have anything of importance to say for people to read it. If anyone has done this, is it worth it??? TIA

  10. I used to have my labels professionallly done and I highly recommend going that way if you can afford it. The printing company I used to use decided to open a gift shop and now I sell my candles to them. Without anyone to do my labels I started making my own labels and now I do all my own stuff. I really enjoy it..

  11. Well I did contact the gift shop yesterday and asked who that person was. They said he was a purchaser/supplier (buyer) for the surrounding area. He is always looking for new products to fill the stores he supplies too and was interested in my stuff. So I guess I will have to wait and see if he contacts me. Sounds interesting!!!

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