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Posts posted by HeavenScentU

  1. I am not sure if it is that. I already have two sales managers and haven't heard any of them call themselves producer/supplier. They are usually are called sales manager or sales rep.. I thought someone might know that does wholesale...hmmmm!

  2. Producer/Supplier?? I have a gift shop that I have my candles in and the owner emailed me to tell me that a producer/supplier is going to contact me because he liked the candles I have in her store. I have no clue what the title stands for. It kind of scares me... If anyone has heard of one I would appreciate knowing what one is. Thanks....

  3. Are located in Ririe, ID?? I just went to the dentist and they gave me a real yummy lip balm called strawberry cheesecake. Very cute and professional label. I didn't notice at first until I was putting it on my lips and smelled the fragrance. I thought it was the store bought stuff. Smells more like butterscotch, too me...

  4. Yup, everything is wax. Everyone asks that all the time, not sure why...The Bakery Mixin's are time consuming that is why my price is what it is. As for the rooster I just had to use it as a pointer, I thought he was cute. I even spend my time playing with him. I have more pics. that I need to resize and add. It is just so time consuming especially when I am still new at this. Ollivander if I can't get the pics. resized right I will take you up on your offer. Thanks for your feedback! :D

  5. I hate USPS too! All the packages I send take 5-7 days to get anywhere. And I ship in state. USPS doesn't care, when I tried to call them to complain the Post Master just says this is their busy season, and there really isn't anything that can be done. :undecided What!!! Even when I get my packages they are crunched in the corners like someone has been throwing them around like footballs. If I can send it UPS I will. But I have customers that want their packages sent only through the post office. I wonder how Fed Ex or DHL is??

  6. website... I really feel awkward about putting this out to be critiqued. I worked for two months on getting this website online and it's just been out for two weeks. I know my pics. are all different sizes, but for being a computer language virgin and having to struggle through it, I think I did ok....www.aromascentsgifts.com:smiley2: I would love to hear all your thoughts and suggestions!!! I think....

  7. I have learned my lesson that working 24/7 doesn't work. You still have to have a life and have to learn how to balance it all. If making candles or soaps are consuming your life than I would step back and see why? I know people don't like to hear about my business because it sounds like I am bragging, so I don't talk about it unless they ask....Having friends or associates are great for marketing your candles and soaps!!!! Something to consider.

  8. I have 3 sales reps. and it has been slow going for them because of the summer months. I am starting to get busy as women are starting to order candles. I know these women have full-time jobs and do this part-time, so it isn't a big deal. One thing you might do is make sure this person understands how to sell your products. Does she have the necessary items to sell your products? Brochures, flyers, samples, and price sheets. She might not understand what your goals are to achieve sales. I think you might consider making a phone call to see how she is doing and if she has any questions on how to market your products, so you both are on the same page.:D Good Luck!

  9. Having the clientele is really important. I was always told it takes at least 3-5 years for a start up business to start showing a profit and I know it is true I started back in 1999 and for the past 10 months I have been consistently making $1000.00-1500.00 a month making candles at home and selling only wholesale. It isn't very much money, but I am so happy that I have enough to pay for my supplies and still have extra to save without having to use my hubbys paycheck. It is a relief to have a business that is finally supporting itself. Setting goals is a plus.

  10. I know this has been asked before but I am getting so many requests for fall fragrances that I am freaking out!!! I was in a store which carried Yankme and their pumpkin cheese cake smelled so awesome!!! I want that fragrance it smells just like a pumpkin pie.. Does anyone know who might carry it. I have tried so many pumpkins and they smell like cinnamon and not a good cinnamon scent... I have only found one good scent and that is gingerbread so far I don't know what I am going to sell to the customers... Please help me!!!!

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