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Soy vs. Paraffin or both.

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I was told to start out with one type of wax so I have been doing soy. Not sure that I am liking it though, I read some older posts and saw that some people do a blend of soy and paraffin. WHY???? What's the point?

Edited by HookieBear
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According to the National Candle Association, soy produces the same amount of soot as paraffin and does not burn cleaner, but soy soot can be more white or gray sometimes, so it can be harder to see. Soy wax is not greener, and the HT is not as strong, so I don't see any point going through the hassle of working with soy.

And when I say soy is not greener, I'm talking about all the petroleum and chemicals it takes to cultivate, plant, harvest, transport, and process the soy beans into wax; as well as the impact of agriculture on the environment. Also, the crushed beans have to be soaked in deadly hexane to extract the oil, and then that oil/hexane mix goes into a vat of alcohol, which evaporates taking the hexane with it, (don't worry, only traces of deadly hexane remain in the wax. lol) then the soy oil has to be triple hydrogenated to make it into wax. To me the whole soy wax thing is just a marketing scam. But, if you really like soy candles, then you should make and/or buy soy candles. There's a market for soy candles, and that's fine with me.

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According to the National Candle Association, soy produces the same amount of soot as paraffin and does not burn cleaner, but soy soot can be more white or gray sometimes, so it can be harder to see. Soy wax is not greener, and the HT is not as strong, so I don't see any point going through the hassle of working with soy.

I did not know that! I was just going by what I have read on most supplier sites, but you know, you can't believe everything you read on the internet!

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Definitely gives bakery FOs a richer scent to me too!

Hookie- There are benefits to both wax, so it's trying to get the best of both worlds!! Soy burns cleaner, paraffin has a stronger throw, but soy has a richness with bakery scents that paraffin doesn't, but paraffin doesn't look all diseased after you burn it!! And so on and so on!!!
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I did not know that! I was just going by what I have read on most supplier sites, but you know, you can't believe everything you read on the internet!

That's what bothers me, too much lying about soy on websites. If they would just promote their product without the lies, I wouldn't be offended by soy.

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I think you should try all soy, no paraffin. I poured the following waxes 4 days ago with MWs Lavender Sage, only 4627 & 415 have a good CT. I'll wait a week & then burn the soy blends. But if the CT is not there, it won't matter about HT to me. Could be the FO isn't compatible with the blends.






I wasn't happy with 6006 parasoy, but I'm going to try Victory Blend parasoy to see how it throws the bakery scents, since those are my favorites.
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I think you should try all soy, no paraffin. I poured the following waxes 4 days ago with MWs Lavender Sage, only 4627 & 415 have a good CT. I'll wait a week & then burn the soy blends. But if the CT is not there, it won't matter about HT to me. Could be the FO isn't compatible with the blends.






The Lav Sage I just did last night in 415 has make-your-eyes-water CT, lol.

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To answer the OP, I use paraffin (and beeswax). I started with paraffin when I was a kid in the 60s, but about 8 years ago I gave soy a try off and on for a few years. Soy just doesn't do it for me. Scent throw cold or hot has been disappointing. I know others have had excellent results with soy - just not me. Even my wife prefers paraffin candles over soy.

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It comes down to personal preference. Each wax has benefits and each has drawbacks.

For me, I chose what I wanted to start with because I am just making for myself. I bought from a lot of commercial and indie makers and the waxes made with paraffin just happened to be my favorites so I chose that as my place from which to start. If I sold I would have to consider my area and my customer's demand/wishes.

I have followed the advice to start with one and get to know how it works. I started with paraffin since it appeared to have less of a learning curve and variability for someone new. I have since ventured out and tried a variety of waxes (votive, pillar, container) but all still paraffin.

I LOVE bakery so am tempted to try soy or a parasoy but am really trying to remember to just focus on getting the results I want with what I know first.

I found this article while I was deciding for myself. Sorry that it is littered with ads in between the copy.


I may be content with what I have been doing but one day I will certainly want to try parasoy just so I can, as the others have said, find something I like more or be more certain that I should stick with what I know!

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I talked to someone a long time about soy vs. paraffin and they told me the same thing. That although the SOY wax itself is a natural product, it burns not much different then paraffin because the FOs you put in your wax are not 100% natural. Unless you are a magician and are able to create an all natural FO, which is not possible. Therefor at some point the candle will produce soot. We just try tour best to create the perfect combination that reduces that. There is a market for soy and that's why I do both. I have contemplating going to only paraffin or doing a blend. Soy is a big headache sometimes. I guess those that succeed with it are the lucky ones. LOL.

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See HS, 415 has HT already after 1 night!

Jeanie, I'm so glad your blend is working! No more wax hopping![QUOTE=Beth;983491]The Lav Sage I just did last night in 415 has make-your-eyes-water CT, lol.

I thought I was done wax hopping back in Spring then the wax bug bit. Tried many and am right back to where I was settled in the Spring.

No more wax hopping for me! CBL blend and 415 for soy :whoohoo:

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