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Soy Oodor Eliminator?

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When I post questions on the fragrance forum specifically for soy use I never seem to get many replies so I thought I would try here. Does anyone use a Odor Eliminatort type FO in soy that you/customers are pleased with? I tried one several years ago but it was just a lemon FO. I didn't find that it was really good for eliminating odors.

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Oh man, why you have to tell me there's a sale. I love their fo's. But can you tell me where you see there's a sale?

Never mind I see it. Its the scent of the month only

:grin2: Don't worry...you are not the only scent addict! I'm buying some stuff from them also tonight!:laugh2:

Happy New Year!

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Here's one more:

At Wix End Odor Eliminator - 8% in soy... no lemon at all - very clean, ever so slightly floral (which I would usually hate, but this one is nice.) I have had customers tell me that it's worked on: burnt rubber, cookng w/garlic, cooking w/seafood, wet dog, smoke odor, dirty laundry! I've had plenty of customers also want to burn it just for that scent. If there's an odor to get rid of, the scent isn't quite as strong - kinda cancels each other out if that makes any sense.

I haven't tested BCN's but sniffed a sample and they're almost identical in smell IMO & I've heard people recommend theirs as well.


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