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What do you think about this kit?


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Melt and Pour or mp soaps are fun and very creative. I couldn't sell that bar for nearly $7.00 though. I use m&p for imbeds in my cp soaps and guest size soaps. Go to wally world and buy silicone Wilton molds(leaves, pumpkins, gingerbread men ect) buy small sizes of crystal clear and white base and a set of 1 oz mp colors and a spritz bottle for your alcohol (gets rid of bubbles) and a microwave to get started. Read the mp forum and have fun. HTH


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I wasn't really planning on selling, although if I did there is no way I could get $7 a bar either. I'm more looking to make soap for personal use, my hubby got some special soap when he was in Canada that someone had made, that was good for getting rid of the smell on your hands after a day of fishing. I'm assuming that is the same thing. I wonder if there is a recipe for this in the mp soap? I guess I'll go digging!!

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Thanks guys! I found a couple recipes that look pretty promising. DH is allergic to lots of dyes, so it will be nice to make him a soap that won't itch him to death!! I already have some dyes that a friend gave me, and I'm sure some of my FO is body safe, just have to look into it, so I can make some pretty soap too!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wait for the 40% coupon at Michael's or one of the craft stores. They sell M&P soaps & molds. Something to start playing with cheaper.

To play with that stuff is fine, but my skin hates the craft store MP soaps.

This said, the kit's a bit overblown. You don't need a mask, hair net or really even gloves for the MP soap they have in mind.

And poppy seeds are TOO SHARP in my opinion. But if you want to try them you can get them in the grocery store.

Lime for fish odor I hadn't heard. I though it was anise that was suggested, or lemongrass - I forget which.

Edited by CareBear
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