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Glass Glow

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I'm testing burning the 15 ounce libbey storage jar that I poured Sunday with a CSN 14 wick. I am trimming the wicks as short as possible & am on my 4th burn. The flame starts off extremely high after about an hour it calms down. It has burned down to the beginning of the widest part of the jar & the flame is flickering really bad I don't know if you can tell much from this pic. Does palm wax just naturally have a higher flame & flicker more? I started out with really short wicks prior to each burn.

Scented with Candle Cocoon's Spiced Apple Pie & 5% FO

I'm going to keep burning it to the end & see what happens. Thanks for any help/input.


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Edited by ladysj
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The CSN wicks definitely have a high flame so thats normal. I try to get the wick with the lowest flame that still burns the wax on the sides during the second half of the jar burn. Just be sure to test burn ALL THE WAY DOWN the jar.

BTW-- votives and pillars just don't burn the same as jar candles. Jar candles produce a lot of flickering as the flame seeks out oxygen inside the jar as it burns down.

I switched from GG to CW's crystal container palm wax a year ago. I just got tired of the wax always being out of stock here or ther and the consistency could be way off from one season to the next. CW's palm has always been consistant, best priced, and always in stock. But it does not have the same beautiful crystal pattern as the GG. I really don't care as its a beautiful wax and still glows, scents, and burns lovely.

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I'll order some of CW's container palm once this is all gone. I hope to eventually get this wax to work. I think I'm going to try CD wicks & see how they do I'm just not comfortable with the large flames :(

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Cd wicks burn in an oval pattern for me. I haven't had much luck with them. The oval burn was in palm pillars not containers, so they may work differently in the containers. And I didn't try twisting them, so that might make a difference.

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Another wick to try is the RRD or CDN. Candlewic has RRD wicks. Not sure where you get CDN but Stella used to swear by those wicks so they must be good. You can't use just any wick with palm wax. It has to be treated with high temp wax so it will burn the palm wax right.

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