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I cannot help myself. I am an empty FO bottle hoarder...


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I know that my organization and Type A will eventually win out after I am not so new to this.

I have to admit that I have not yet thrown away an empty FO bottle. I just have 2, one gallon size ziploc bags full so not a room full (yet!).

I just keep going back to them to sniff to decide whether to reorder even though I am building a spreadsheet of what I like and what I do not.

I hope that I build a nice line up of scents that I like and am able to toss the bottles soon.

Did you do this when you were new or am I all alone in this oddness??

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I have a couple of plastic Wal-Mart bags full that I haven't used for other purposes. Some I've used to mix new creations in, some were given away or sold with FO, some smaller ones are filled from larger bottles for compactness. So since I found those uses for formerly empty bottles, I hang onto empty ones now.

My problem area seems to be boxes, because you just never know when you're going to need a good, sturdy box of any random size! :embarasse

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I save my 1oz bottles incase I need to refresh my memory after testing a scent (and everything I made from the 1oz sample is gone)

but the 16oz'ers take too much room.

Calling A&E, STAT :soap baby dance:

Edited by Beezy
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I save them, too. I wash them out real good with soap and water and then use them later to mix other scents. I consider myself a type A but when it comes to my candle stuff I'm a complete mess. I call it my "Monica's Closet" for those who know what I'm talking about . :grin2:

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Oh Good. I'm not the only one. I keep the 1 ouncers so that I can refer back to them before ordering. Yea, I make the lists, but sometimes you just have to re-smell them to be sure.

I do have a small box of the rejects to make sure I DON'T order those again.

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