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Summer Favorites!

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Hi All!

I would love to hear your favorite scents for summer! I think I'm in a rut and need some new oils to help me get outta it! Well, not really but I'm gonna go with it anyway! :) And this is so sad since I really enjoy summer but I can't wait for it to be over so I can start pouring for fall! Oh how I love that season and fall smelling scents! So..any gotta have summer scents..and if ya wanna throw in any fall fav's..I'd love to hear them too! Thanks bunches!


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I should look that up cause by just the name..it don't sound that good to me but now that you've mentioned it, I think I remember others saying how much they like this scent too! Thanks!

I originally bought it because I was asking people what their favorite candles scents were and many of them said grapefruit or pink grapefruit, so it was the only grapefruit I found at the time. I've heard that Sea Island Grapefruit is good also. I can't remember which supplier carries that, but it should come up on FragranceOilFinder.com or on Google.

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Grapefruit and Mangosteen from Candle Science.

Absolutely positively DITTO what Horsescents said!!!! Grapefruit and Mangosteen is AWESOME!!! I just bought it this Spring for the first time and have sold quite a bit of it! Pink Sugar, Caribbean Teakwood and Tall Grass have also been GREAT sellers for me this Spring! As far as Fall scents go...Pumpkin Cheesecake, Caramel Apple, Harvest and Candy Corn ALL from BCS...ALWAYS for years my best-sellers!! I hear ya on the can't wait for Fall to start pouring those scents!! The coolness in the air, the leaves rustling, pumpkins...gosh it truly is a WONDERFUL time of the year!!:smiley2:

Edited by puma52
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Everybody loves grapefruit & mangosteen! I personally do not but my family and friends and a few customers have me pouring this all the time-

Sweet yellow pear from SC is amazing

Beach linen from CS

Caribbean teakwood from CS ( I still have not for this to throw in a candle- only on melts)

Lilac from JS

Sensuos black rose from elements

Hyacinth from BCN

Lemon verbena from CS

Honeysuckle jasmine from CS

Tall grass from Peak

Dune grass from WSP

forever sunshine from WSP

I am still looking for a good beach scent myself to add

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Here we go again!

ANOTHER vote for Grapefruit and Mangosteen. O boy I love that stuff.

This year it seems any type of Lemonade or Limeade you can come up with, is popular around here. ( Lemonade, Limeade, Cherry Limeade is flying off the shelf , Blueberry Lemonade, Rasp. Limeade, Pink Lemon or Lime... pretty much anything that's fruity)

Pink Sugar always, Blue Sugar ( male version ) a lot of Bamboos and various types of Lavender ( sweet, tart, herbal,doesn't seem to matter ) , Im still seeing a LOT of CS Peppermint Eucalyptus move.. people with allergies eat this stuff up and around here, allergies are always going on.

Cucumber Melon Mint ( its more real cucumber with cool mint)

Honey Coco Mango

Pineapple Cilantro

Coco Cabana ( pineapple and coconut )

Clean Cotton

Cranberry Pom ( I can sell this year round )

Fruit Loops or Jelly Beans, seems to have taken the place of Monkey Farts or Bird of Paradise so far this spring.. we'll see if that holds.

Starfruit and Mango

There's about 10 more that seem to be moving more this year than the last two years, a lot of them are drink types like Mojito, martinis, SOTB with Lemon Pucker 50/50.. kind of effervescent type scents.

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The Sea Island Grapefruit from Aroma Haven is delicious. I actually mix it with Pineapply Mango from Candlewic and tbh I just want to eat it. We are moving alot of blueberry right now. Even blueberry cobbler. As usual the Butt naked is flying of the shelf, along with Caribbean both are from NG. But as always Bird of Paradise is still #1. We did sell quiet a bit of Cinnamony Vanilla in our fundraiser.

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I don't care for the names butt naked or Jamaica me crazy. Do either of those scents make you think of Key West? I would consider offering one of them if I could think of a unique name to call them. They seem very popular and also I buy from CS now so I wouldn't have to buy from another supplier. Thanks!

Edited by jackbenimble
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Craft Show near Gatlinburg Tn... sold out of 12 packs of melts, two tps, and 2 bears.. Not alot, but I've never been able to repeat that with any other scent. I honestly think it was just the name LOL I love the scent but come on... that name.. you know you gotta try it LOL

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Jack you could use either of those and name them fantasy fest but yes they both are fruity and go hand in hand with anything Key West- they both remind me of anything tropical

You could come up with some crazy names that go hand in hand with the keys that would sell on name alone!

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Jack you could use either of those and name them fantasy fest but yes they both are fruity and go hand in hand with anything Key West- they both remind me of anything tropical

You could come up with some crazy names that go hand in hand with the keys that would sell on name alone!

Thanks moonshine. That is a good name. I'd forgotten about fantasy fest!

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