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Civil War Reenactment


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Has anyone else ever had a booth at a Civil War reenactment? I got a call asking me to come to one, and I'm not sure I'd sell much soap or candles, but it'd sure be an interesting couple of days. Anyone have any experiences or insights they'd like to share?

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I would be there in a booth with bells on my toes.

But...when I was doing shows, I never turned one down.

People piss and moan about not being able to find venues to sell their products. Shows are everywhere. This is a prime example of thinking outside of the box.

I would probably change the names of some of my scents to go with the theme of the show. I would have huge fun with it.

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I've done shows where they had Civil War reenactments; particular town battles; encampments; civil war life, etc. I live in the Shenandoah Valley and the place is crawling with Civil War battlefields and towns with lots of history. I always do well at shows with reenactments. People come to watch and for the fun of going to the craft show. I wouldn't change my products just for the show because they are so common here but if you want to go for it.

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Ok, here comes the Gloom Crew.

I would LOVE to do that show, just like the others have said, and I'd do it in a heartbeat. But............ I don't know if I'd "take off" a job, where you KNOW you are going to make at least some money, to go to a show you haven't been to before and have no idea how it will go. I've heard, and have experienced for myself, that show sales have dropped off in recent years, even known money makers.

If you feel comfortable GO FOR IT !! You might make a lot, and get repeat customers. But I just know I'd have to think about it, especially if I was going to ask off from my regular job. But, that's just me.

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