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How do you make it better than Scentsy?


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I've read through a LOT of threads here and even though I didn't bookmark the comments, I have read quite a few people saying their tarts are better than Scentsy's. My goal is to come up with something where the scent is at least 80-90% as strong. Can this be done with soy?

The reason I ask is because I've been testing with EcoSoya XceL and PB. There are other forum members who use these with success. But I'm not getting a HT anywhere near what I get from my Scentsy wax. I've tried 4 different formulations for XceL/PB: 1) 70/30, 60/40, 50/50 and 40/60. The 40/60 XceL/PB combo seems to work the best for others but it was still only half as strong as my Scentsy wax.

I have ordered 5 lb. samples of 135, 415 and 464 and I plan to try each of those with my PB and see how it goes. But if nothing works in that group, then I may switch to Parasoy. I understand that soy is a little tricker to work with and I'm ok with that. I don't mind putting in the time to test other waxes. But my question is, for those who say your tarts are better than Scentsy, are any of you doing soy only?

Edited by zeoplum
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I use more PB than 135 ... 75/25. In my experience with 135, and just as you observed, the more PB you use the better the throw. The most important part of the melt, however, is the FO. That's why testing is so important ... it's about finding the right FO that will throw in whatever wax combination you decide to use. HTH

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I've used a 415 and PB blend and it throws in some oils for days. I've had a customer tell me that she changed fragrances only because she "got tired" of smelling that one it lasted so long. Test test and cure cure. This blend is a winner for me anyway.

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I am one that uses a PB/xcel mix. I have never tried Scentsy but I have had many people tell me that my tarts last way longer so it can be done. You don't really want something too overpowering. I even had a Scentsy rep buy mine and like mine way better.

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I also am a PB/135 user and I have so many compliments on the throw and duration

I have recently been testing PB/415 only because I switched to 415 for containers and want to condense the amount of different waxes I purchase and I am just as happy- I do have to use more PB with the 415 than with the 135 but the quality is just as good- it is possible- I tried scentsy and personally think their fragrance smells cheap and weak

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Ok, thank you all for the feedback. I feel better now knowing it can be done. I could get excited about a milder scent that is longer lasting. So I will keep testing with soy for now.

I initially bought a bunch of 1 oz. FO samples from Candle Science but I think if I'm really want accurate comparisons, I need to order a larger bottle of *one* FO and use only that one (dang that will get boring! hehe!) while I'm testing. Now...to find the right FO for such testing. I think I will start a new thread.

Edited by zeoplum
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