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Moving wick ???

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Hi All! I don't post often but do get on often to read up on things. However, I have not been able to find a solution for my particular issue. I am currently using a parasoy blend wax. I am still perfecting this blend and have run into 1 problem so far and hope you guys can help me. Once my candles setup/cool the wicks appear to be centered. I cure my candles for 5 days. Even before testing they still appear centered. I test burn for approx. 3hrs. After extinguishing the candle the wicks are noticeably off centered. This is happening with all my wicks I'm testing. I do use wick centering & securing tools when the candles are being made. Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks in advance for your help!

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How are you securing your wicks to the container bottoms? For testing only, a hot glue is fine, but for gifting or selling, I use the Permatex (red) to secure them. What wicks are you using? Some tend to bend/curl and can give the appearance of being off centered...

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Thank you for your response! Yes, for testing I'm using a hot glue gun. I secure them with a plastic medium Wick Centering Tool I purchased from Peaks. The wick tab is still in place. It's the actual wick that has moved while lit. I am testing RRD, CD & Performa wicks. My wax is rather soft - I can see a print if I drag my finger across the top and if I lightly drag my nail across - it leaves a mark. Do you think the softness of the wax could be causing this?

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Ive never tried RRD or Performa, but CD's have a tendency to bend to one side and may just look like its off centered. Container waxes are softer waxes and shouldnt really be a factor in a wick moving. If the wick is centered after you make the candle and the wax hardens and it isnt releasing from the bottom or floating towards the edge of the glass, I tend to think its just the curling of the wick that makes it appear off centered.There are some wicks that stand and burn straight (Premier's for one), but many curl...hth

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Maybe your wicks are not primed with a high-melt-point wax, so their wax coating is melting and letting them flop sideways in the melt pool. Peak's primes all their wicks with a high-melt wax (212 F), which is the highest I've seen, so the wicks won't flop sideways in the melt pool.

Often candle labels have burning instructions that tell the customer to recenter the wick after extinguishing the candle, so it's comment for the wicks to drift off center.

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Morning Guys! Ok, I took a picture to give a visual, which may be helpful. Yes, the wick tab is still secured after test burning. If this is common I hope to find a wick that won't require re-centering after extinguishing. The first picture is after the candle has set. The second picture is after extinguishing: http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/Mistyn79/IMG_0973.jpg - http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/Mistyn79/IMG_0971.jpg

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Morning Guys! Ok, I took a picture to give a visual, which may be helpful. Yes, the wick tab is still secured after test burning. If this is common I hope to find a wick that won't require re-centering after extinguishing. The first picture is after the candle has set. The second picture is after extinguishing: http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/Mistyn79/IMG_0973.jpg - http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk36/Mistyn79/IMG_0971.jpg

Possibly getting wicks with high MP prime and higher wick tabs might solve that. As long as your wick tab hasn't moved, all that's left is the wick causing the problem.

I did experience this with a power burner testing person where she let the MP get too deep. Going with the high MP prime wicks and higher wick tabs solved it.


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Thanks so much for everyone's help! jeanie353 - I will try both higher wick tabs and high MP prime wicks. Do you know where can I get the higher wick tabs from?

I had mine made at CW. The only problem is you have to order in a qty of 500 or more. It actually cost me less getting them done up to my specs @the 500 amount than buying by 100 at some other suppliers but the initial outlay can be a bit tough on the budget if buying multiple sizes.

As mentioned in the thread, Peak does prime their wicks with HMP already so if their wick tabs are like 6mm, I think you'd be fine there.

The power burner tester I mentioned not only burns the candles all day, creating a deep MP but she burns them down to nothing left in the jar so I had to get the higher tabs for that reason. They did help stabilize the wick a little but the prime (imo) is what really helped keep the wicks from moving or tipping.

Edited by jeanie353
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Are the wicks nice and tight before you pour? Do they sag a bit when in the hot wax? You may need to adjust the wick in the holder if so. That is a lot of movement. Another experiment would be to cut a newly made candle along the wick to see if the wick has sagged during cooling. Heat gun the container until you can pull the candle out.

Edited by rjdaines
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rjdaines beat me to it, lol! The wick is not being held tight enough when you pour so as it cools it gets pulled around and sags. The plastic tools are great for centering the wick but crap for holding it tight. Try using a clothes pin to hold it tight or try the metal wick bars.

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Can't speak for Dreamie's wicks but I pull mine very tight to the point I've pulled them out of the tabs a few times. When I burn my candles it doesn't happen even during a torture burn but for a severe power burner customer or tester they did move... with one actually tipping due to the deep MP she got until I changed the wick prime and tab.

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