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Super Fat question


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A couple more questions.

if I were so do a HP soap in the crock pot, could I use a crock pot liner? Seems like that would make clean up much easier, but it may be very wasteful on the soap.

Also, if I use my crock pot to make soap, then can I use it to cook food in? What about my stick blender, can I use that for food items? Or if I did HP in the oven, could I use my pan for food? It seems like I should be able to because lye is used for food items as well... pretzels, olives, hominy etc.

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I keep my soaping equipment separate from my cooking pans and utensils. go to a Salvation Army or to yard sales and buy a Crockpot and stick blender. I bought a nice Waring stick blender for $3 and a crockpot for $5 for my soaping.

When super fatting I don't hold my oils out to the end I include it in my recipe.

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I do the same as Barbara and Kitn on the super fatting .. All of my whisks utensils, crock pot, etc.. that I soap with are only for that purpose and no longer use it for food preparation.

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how do I superfat a recipe? Do I add extra oil at trace or is superfatting already included in the recipe?

If you are using an online calculator, like soapcalc.net, you enter in the % superfat you want (in step 4, upper right hand corner) and it calculates it for you.

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If you already take a lye discount between 4 and 6% then you have "superfatting" already in the recipe.

However, if you want one certain, specific oil to remain as the "superfat" oil, then you will need to re-do the lye in your recipe to a 1% lye discount and then add that oil in the end, so that it remains after saponification has taken place.

Say you want almond oil as your superfat, run the recipe with a 1% discount, make as usual and then add the couple of ounces of almond oil at the end.

I do HP soap, so it's easy, I just add my superfat oil before I add my essential oil after the cook has finished.

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