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WARNING: CandleWarmers.com


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I've placed two orders with CandleWarmers.com so far and have had issues with both. I just wanted to post this so that ya'll are aware because this might happen to you aswell. Its long but worth a read if you order from them or are thinking about it.

First order: One warmer just to try it out. I never recieved a shipping notification. I sent them an e-mail about it after three or four days and they claimed that the e-mail must have gone to my spam account (it did not). They then provided me with the tracking number via e-mail.

Second order: I got a case of the illumination warmers. I was given a total at checkout that did not include shipping or tax. I thought I had won the lotto! Four days had gone by and I had not recieved shipping notification AGAIN, so I e-mailed them. This time, they said they've been having issues with their system. Then, I noticed that the charge from them on my bank account had gone up by $13. I figured they would charge shipping but it would have been nice to get some kind of quote or notice of what the shipping will be.

I recieved my order and it was wrong. I had ordered (quantity) two of three (styles) warmers. What I recieved was three (quantity) of two (styles). I called them to let them know and they said that is what my invoice says I ordered. I forwarded her my confirmation e-mail that clearly shows my order. She put me on hold for a very long time and then said "Oh, sorry ma'am. We no longer carry the Century Brown style so we just sent you one extra of the other two you ordered. People typically don't have a problem with that." I asked to speak with a manager about all the issues I've been having and she said "what issues?" I told her "I've listed several. Please let me speak with a manager."

I told the manager all my issues, and pointed out that Century Brown was still available on their website for purchase. My order was shipped off a week before so they should have it removed if it is no longer available. She said they try to stay on top of things and that she will get right on it (SEVERAL WEEKS LATER: ITS STILL ON THERE!!!!!) I told her that I am very upset because I already had customers purchase the century brown warmer from me, and now they would not be able to get it. It makes me look bad. I told her that I should have been notified is something was out of stock. She told me "If we took the time to call every customer when something was out of stock, we'd never get anything else done." That really made me mad, but she didn't offer anything to me besides an "I'm sorry. We appreciate your business."

Needless to say...does anybody else know of any other wholesle candle warmer companies? lol

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I have always had good luck with them, they call me before my order ships and let me know what my freight is going to be. I did have problems at first if they would be out of a product. They would sub another product in its place which didn't really bother me too bad but then out of the blue I would get a shipment of the products that I was shorted. By that point I had already moved on and didn't need the product any more. I called my sales rep and he explained to me that my account was set up to fill "back orders" as they become available. Once we got that changed to not ship back orders I have had no problem.

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I did have a few issues a few weeks ago regarding web price and what I was charged but its was taken care of quickly...also the shipping but now I understand that they do not add shipping until the order has been processed in the warehouse then thats when we are charged...try OBI or Levine...lol I order from all three they all have something that sells good

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I recieved my order today after a full week. I had to email them, did not get a shipping notice either, I normaly do! Every thing was as ordered, but my goodness, I can order a case of wax cheaper than I can order these things. I think they could do much better on their shipping. So I am on the hunt also for a new supplier. I just don't think I can sell them in this area, and make much of a profit anymore. I think some posted that it tops out somewhere. I think it was $300?

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It has a smaller inventory, but I use Vista Wholesale for mine. They do update product immediately on their quantities, and they do cycle through stock fairly quickly too. They have had excellent service every time I've used them.

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Heads Up: If you want to order from Candlewarmers you will have delays in stock and shipping. It has always been that way. They are one of a few wholesale suppliers available to candlemakers. You can pre-order (I was told that people do that for the Christmas stuff). Keep in mind that Meijer stores now carry their warmers, so that means supply will go faster. They have really nice warmers. You just have to deal with the stock and slow shipping issue. I call in my orders now because they have better info on stock when you do. That does not guarantee that someone else won't be on another line buying the item out from under you; but it helps a lot.

Shipping: It is very common for many wholesale suppliers to not give a total until the item is shipped. We are spoiled because our fragrance and wax suppliers mostly give it to us right away. With CW you can wait up to a couple weeks before they ship depending on how busy they are or are waiting for a shipment that is due any day.

Last I knew they were in the middle of raising prices on warmers. Last co-op some where higher than others. I think they were selling stock and then when new stock came raising prices.

I, also, never sell any warmer I do not have in stock. Because I do not have access to funds to keep several of each I want to carry to insure stock.

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You should of did a search on them before ordering. I've been using them for years and never got an invoice, I usually estimated the shipping. I've had some issues with warmers not being available when I ordered but never had a major problem with it.

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^I did my research in the sense that I ordered from them personally before setting up a wholesale account. The only issue initially was that I never recieved notification of shipment. That in itself isn't a big enough reason for me to not order from them because I DO like their warmers. And when I placed my personal order, it DID quote me shipping so I figured it'd do the same with wholesale.

My main issue with them: I don't think its right that they wouldn't notify me before they just decided to change my order. Even if I didn't have customers waiting on that style of warmer, I would've been upset because I would have chosen a different style instead of just getting extra of the other two styles. And I don't appreciate the lies. Why not tell me that its on backorder instead of claiming they "no longer carry that style" when weeks later, its still displayed on the website.

But thanks for the input, everyone.

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I order from them and in my experience they have been nothing but nice. I have had some warmers and bulbs that were broke and they were quick to send out replacements and extras. They didn't even want me to return the broken items are anything they just told me to keep and use what I could of what wasn't broken. I do undertand that about just sending something u didn't order though. I wouldn't like that either. I just order what I like and my customers just pick from what I have. Never had anyone just request to order certian ones, I dont even show them the brochure to avoid someone wanting something they dont have becaue they have been out of ones I wanted for a while.

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Boy, I should post in red letters. Issues with them? You bet. For a number of years we ordered around $10K in warmers and plug-ins from them. Many issues with their products; but must say they were good at making them right, somewhat. Then we had major issues with the switches on the plug-in being faulty. We sent back I think a hundred or so and quit carrying them. At the same time we found Scentsationals. Slightly higher price but greatly reduced shipping costs compared to CW. So, the price becomes comparable. Great service. Invoices that arrive on time. Great products. We have been with them almost a year, and have maybe had one or two warmers come back that were defective. And the bulb is not the expensive, hard to replace kind. Same/similar to Scentsy; replaceable at four for $3.87 at Home Depot. We love them. We have tried several others but did not care for different things about them. So, check out Scentsationals. They have a website. Don't remember it. Oh, for a while until we sold out, we carried Scentsational warmers along side CW warmers. Wanted to see what our customers would say. We sold 9 or 10 Scentsationals warmers to one CW. We finally dropped the price to move them out. hth

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I had the exact same experience with them, in fact I got the exact same words, but when they told me if they called every time they had to sub out the order I told them every single time they sub out an order I will be calling like this and it would be much less time then getting this call every single time isn't it? I then kept them on the phone talking to everybody I could. I also got them to give me a UPS shipping label to ship the other ones back I did not order and have them credit my account.

I have since found a more reliable supplier with a larger selection. They are more expensive up front but they don't put a $500 hold on my account for a $200 order, they sell better too. The one time they did put a $500 hold on my account my wax order went in which actually overdrafted the account. You better believe they spent a long time on the phone with me, and that was the last straw, I had them refund my order and I decided to drop them.

Not worth it to me.

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I have to say that I have never ordered from there where there wasn't something broken or missing. That being said though, I have never had anything but nice customer service and they have always been very good about fixing whatever was wrong. It is kind of frustrating to deal with the mistakes all the time but good customer service goes a long way :) There is one company that I really wanted to try out for some fragrances but they were soooo rude on the phone and acted as if they could care less about my business (small as it may be) that I refuse to order from...regardless of how good their products may be.

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I ordered 1 time with Candlewarmers.com but found Vista Wholesale and like them much better. I also order from Colonial Tin Works, but they don't carry the ceramic combo warmers only tin warmers. Vista Wholesale is pretty good with shipping time too and I like their selection of combo warmers.

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