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Help!!! WTF happened here


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I went from this picture to the 2nd picture with in about 30 mins time. What happened? It's nothing but oil on the top.

Okay I think I know what happened - I don't remember adding the palm wax. Would that cause it to do this & is there anything I can do to save it now? DAMN it. I was soooooo excited about this one & couldn't wait to cut it.


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Castor 10%

Coconut 30%

Canola 15%

Cocoa 10%

Shea 15%

Rice Bran 10%

Palm 10%

Superfat 8%

Liquid - 7.2 Lye 3.5

Edited by ladysj
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I know I'm soooooooo pisssssssssssssed. I threw it in a pot added the palm & reheated it all til it was liquid & gently mixed. We'll see how the rebatch comes out. As a matter of fact I was soooooooooo mad I was not going to be defeated. I just finished my 2nd batch & it turned out good. I did it just to piss the soap off. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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The wonderful thing about making soap is that when *something* happens, it can nearly always be saved. I have not had to throw out a batch... yet.

Since you figured out what you did wrong quickly, you did exactly what I would have done - scrape the sh*t into the crock pot, fix what I did wrong, and go from there. Several of the *saves* actually turned out looking better than before the batch went south on me...

I ran the "recipe" through SoapCalc and the water/lye ratio looks wonky to me... like not enough water...

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Wow. That stinks :(

Looks like it massively overheated and separated. I can possibly see that if you skipped an oil. Better that it raised the red flag on its own rather than let you think all was well and had you cutting lye heavy soap. Did you happen to weigh it to see for sure what was missing?

The water% looks fine - assuming you're going for a 33% solution.

Good luck with the rebatch.

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I have had soaps with oil slicks on top. Turned out my lye was old and didn't have the "oooommmppphhh" left to do it's thang!

You know I was wondering if lye goes bad or whatever. Something seemed different I just got new lye in today. Guess it couldn't be the lye though really because other batches have been fine. Hmmmmmmmmmm

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Did you use the new lye in this batch? If not, how was your old lye stored?

No this wasn't made with the new lye I'm making new soaps today with the new lye. I've had that other lye for quite a while but the other bars all turned out fine. I think it was a combo of forgetting an oil, over heating & possibly false trace althoug it was thick when I poured it. Oh well live & learn & hopefully not do it again :laugh2::laugh2:I hate hate hate wasting supplies :cry2:

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Looks like a little separation was going on in the first pic on the sides. It looks lye heavy to me and the mold encouraged acceleration (don't know if you insulated or not) but rbo, canola and castor are pretty high when added together plus sf at 8% but if your other batches have been ok then I imagine it was leaving out the palm. Sorry that happened to you. HTH


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Did you use the new lye in this batch? If not, how was your old lye stored?

I have it stored in a plastic canister that I bought at Dollar Tree. You know it could be that maybe some moisture got in the container? Is this possible maybe. I'm at a loss idk.

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