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Fragrance Too Strong


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I hope it's ok to post this here.. I'm ranting. The other day I walked into the bathroom at work and it smelled so bad I almost turned around and walked out...so I thought I'd be nice and brought 2 of my aroma bead air fresheners in (one for each stall)...Anyway I was told that they are TOO strong and had to remove them. OK fine..just trying to laugh about this...the POOP smell isn't too strong? I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

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Really, that is too bad - did you tell whoever made you remove them why you brought them in the first place? Perhaps they should take better care of employee facilities so you don't have to take matters into your own hands? :laugh2: Oh well, at least you know your air fresheners kick butt! :yay:

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Some people are sensitive to scents. As bad as the poop smell is it may be nothing compared to what it can do to someone who is allergic or sensitive to a particular scent.

I don't want to smell poop either but some scents give me an instant headache or make me want to vomit and give me a headache.

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Do you work where I do? LOL I swear I have NEVER worked in a place where the bathroom constantly smells STANK!!! And, if you can believe this, people keep stealing the cheap ole dollar air freshners! I thought about making a spray for each stall, but shoot, if people steal the nasty dollar store freshners, I'm sure nice smelling, homemade ones would get stolen too... ICK! I feel like putting a sign in each stall "Courtesy flushes DO work"! haha

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