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silicone log mold question


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I just got a silicone log mold from WSP. The sides pulled away from the soap easily but it still wouldn't come out so I waited another day but no change. I put it in the freezer for 2 hours and worked with it and I did finally get it out. When it came out, it came out clean--nothing stuck to the mold. Is this normal for a silicone mold? I had a feeling expecting it to just drop out on the first try was dreaming.

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Silicone is a "peel off" mold material rather than a "drop out." It's typically used for castings with a lot of detail, but has been used for straight sided molds and liners, too. Personally, I would rather use a different mold material for straight sided projects.

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another thing to consider..the smaller the mold..the less you can pull out the

sides to release..

I have some 1lb. silvermoon molds..I had a little trouble the first time to unmold them..

I did need to leave the soap in a little longer...but they now unmold very easy..

just pull alway at all sides..turn over and use the palm of your hand to push on the bottom..

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Silicone is a "peel off" mold material rather than a "drop out." It's typically used for castings with a lot of detail, but has been used for straight sided molds and liners, too. Personally, I would rather use a different mold material for straight sided projects.

My favorite silicone molds (silvermoon) are stiff enough that they operate as both. I pull back the sides and ends, then flip it upside down and press gently on the bottom to start pushing the soap out - once the seal between the soap and the bottom of the mold breaks it drops right out.

It's my favorite material for straight sided projects.

(I worked the same way with uplands and woodfields. They are softer but it still works. )

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Thanks. Hopefully it just needs breaking in. I wonder if a light spray of silicone on the bottom would help--now I'm thinking, spraying silicone on silicone? The sides and ends pulled away easily but the mold itself is stiff.

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