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WTF is this???Pic provided!!

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I poured this candle a week ago today.I figured i'd light it and see how she burns.(Once lit I saw that it was sweating a bit.)I put it in my bathroom and shut the door.I went in there 5 minutes later to get something and this is what it looked like,only it was still lit!I have never seen a candle tunnel in this weird way and so quickly before!!It's 15% 4786 AND 85% C3,black raspberry vanilla f.o,1/2 red and 1/2 purple dye chip,and an htp 105 wick.I made a candle a few weeks ago with the exact same blend and wick,just no f.o or dye and it burned beautifully.Any idea why this happened?


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Yup. Thats an air pocket just under the surface around the wick. I'd prefer the candle snuffs itself rather than keep burning when that happens. It can flare up in a split second and catch fire on anything flammable near it.

I used to use a parasoy blend that would sometimes get those air pockets but only on my large containers. Had to get used to poking all around the tops to make sure they didn't have them. The giveawy in my case was a telltale dimple in the wax on the top surface. Every candle with that dimple had an air pocket just under the wick. If you poke with a chopstick it will go right thru the surface and expose the pocket. Then you can heat gun the top to fill er up.

Edited by Candybee
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You nailed it Candybee,it did have a dimple around the wick.I'll be sure not to make this mistake again!!Good thing I got in there when I did and put that baby out!!I scooped out the wax on the edges,moved it to the room I was in and relit it.Worked fine after that.It had a lovely ht.Black Rasp Vanilla may be one of my new loves!!

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I had this happen to me when I tried the wood wicks in a large jar. I was at a craft show when they brought it back to me....lovely! What the heck! But it did teach me how to be quick to turn it into a positive. I replaced the candle and told her I would always stand behind my products. Every one at the booth seemed to see it as a positive thing. No one asked what the problem was, to my suprise and it never happen to me before so I was glad because I didn't have an answer for them at that point.

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I'm a lurker, but I had this exact thing happen to me using 4630 in 16 oz jj. It happened twice but it only happened with black raspberry vanilla. I thought I might have cooled the first one weird due to the ambient temp being too cold so I poured another and was super cautious about cooling it. I even put a warmed box over it so it would gradually cool. I took the box off and lo and behold there was the huge tunnel again!:sad2:

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When I first started, I used to poke, but did not find it to be necessary.
I don't "poke" my soy wax container candles, but that's a result of my personal experience with NatureWax C3. If I began using a new soy container wax, I would "poke" until the wax demonstrated to me that this was not necessary. Any depression is suspect.

I don't rely on claims of "one-pour"... A wax is "one pour" if everything goes right and all conditions for the wax to be "one-pour" are met. For those new to using any particular wax, I hope they will pay close attention to this issue and not rely on the claims or experiences of others. Like thee & me, they will quickly discover what's appropriate for their situation. :-)

Edited by Stella1952
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I don't "poke" my soy wax container candles, but that's a result of my personal experience with NatureWax C3. If I began using a new soy container wax, I would "poke" until the wax demonstrated to me that this was not necessary. Any depression is suspect.

I don't rely on claims of "one-pour"... A wax is "one pour" if everything goes right and all conditions for the wax to be "one-pour" are met. For those new to using any particular wax, I hope they will pay close attention to this issue and not rely on the claims or experiences of others. Like thee & me, they will quickly discover what's appropriate for their situation. :-)

You're right, if I pour when the wax is too hot, it forms quite a depression.... only experience will show you what to expect. My guess is that waxes that need a higher temp, which therefore cool faster, might be more prone to pockets. But it is just a guess.

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