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Dimples in my tarts


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I have run across an issue. At first I thought it was no big deal, but it is bothering me. I'm striving for perfection I guess! I discovered my frosting issues are gone ever since I switched to Ecosoya PB, but now when I look at my tarts (They are made from a silicone brownie bits pan) on the back of them there is what appears to be a light thumbprint or I also call a dimple. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong? I would hate to when I progress to clamshells for that to be there.

I pour almost always at 150 degrees because any lower and it messes up my ratio and I have caked wax on the side of my pot that should of been in the mold. Not sure how you guys pour slushy, just didn't work for me.

As for cooling I do not touch them, I do not even clean up my area. I let them sit overnight (or 5 hrs if I make them during the day). Here is a pic so you can see what I mean. Thanks for the help!`


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Thanks for the tip. Does that combo help with chipping in molds? I've tried the freezer and still have issues since switching to PB.

I've really had good luck getting them out of the molds, they come out with little effort and no need to do something crazy like putting them in the freezer. As far as for a Soy blend for Tarts this blend comes out the nicest I've tried so far, really smooth and creamy (looking), colors really good and no frosting. HTH

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I use a 50/50 ratio of container wax and votive wax from EL for my mini muffin melts (silicone molds) and I have found that if I pour my wax melts at 130* I don't get those on the top, any hotter and I do.

If the wax starts to get too thick and cool as I am pouring (usually happens only during my last melt left) I take my heat gun to the pouring part of the pitcher and it melts the rest of the wax that is still in the pitcher and pours perfectly into my mold!

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I see you are in/near Bedford, if you ever venture over towards philadelphia candlewic.com is in Doylestown and carries what you're looking for.

They are 3hrs from me. I do order my wax from them. They have great customer service.

I need to look up what a heat gun is. Going to do that now :)

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I need to look up what a heat gun is. Going to do that now :)

Well shoot, this is the second time I've replied to this thread. I keep having CRS today.

A heat gun is basically a hairdryer on steroids. I have one and it looks just like a hand held hairdryer but bigger and a ton hotter. Here is a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_gun

Btw, every time I see this thread it makes me smile and I think of the song "dimples on my b^tt" we used to sing with I was a kid. I think we used to sing freckles instead of dimples but what the heck, it makes me smile anyway. ~ Sorry for stepping on your thread.

Edited by tlc
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You should try pouring at a cooler temp.- this is the normal shrinkage. It seems like a little dip because each cube is separate. When I started pouring cooler and my clamshell had little to no dip, I found out that I actually liked the dip. Each cube seems to have personality... HTH

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