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Beware of Venus Candles

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Big deal... she's pregnant. Women have been getting pregnant for millions of years. How about just cut her some slack because we're all human, and and not a single person here is perfect? She misunderstood the listing- it happens. The seller had two choices- complete the sale, or void it. They obviously chose the latter. Maybe a good choice, maybe a bad choice... but it was their choice. She came here and posted a big warning to people, probably thinking she was being helpful. (I wonder if she frequents mommy boards? They are usually full of well meaning warnings about bad customer service, as well as accolades for good products and services.) For some, her faux pas may work out to be a good thing, as you found a new FO supplier to try out. So, meh.

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PUH-LEEZE. Pregnancy does not come with a "get out of jail free" card. It's NOT a mental illness or something... :rolleyes2
I guess it all depends if one cares about another person's feelings or well being other than themselves to give a reply like this.
Yep. Meh.
...... and if ya really meant "Meh", you wouldn't be on here replying AGAIN on the subject. Edited by jeanie353
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I do not think that this poster was slandering the company. I think she was frustrated. Lots of people here write pissy posts about suppliers. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are slandering the company. This is a new poster and her BEWARE title could be because she does not understand board etiquette. (Honestly, as a newbie, I would never post something so dramatic in a title, but that is me...)

That said, the title of this Ebay listing is beyond ridiculous. It is VERY misleading. However, I would not think for a second as an educated buyer, that I would be getting a huge lot of oils for such a cheap price. I would have the common sense to read the listing- which I did. The listing is very clear, the title is not. I think it is still the fault of the buyer for not reading what she was receiving. I also do not know what pregnancy has to do with anything...

As far as the company dropping the sale, well, who knows what went on for this to happen? Maybe the seller thought it was a crappy transaction. I stopped selling on Ebay years ago once power went to the buyer. Sellers are eager to get out of transactions quickly now because of possible poor feedback. I get this. Anyway, I do not think this was a post to slander, nor do I think this company is a bad one. I think it was a bad transaction on both ends. It happens. Just my 2 cents...

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Im gonna hijack the thread for a sec !!! lol Yall listen to the dumbbutt move I did today !

I had to order some dyes from Alabaster , Ok Community Candle, can't get used to calling them that!

I ordered the sample pack of 12 like I always do, price is 49.99 like its always been.

(let me interject here that all I've bought from there since they changed hands, I was there in person )

Blakes in the warehouse when I call, he gets right on my order, cool, it'll be shipped today. Told him to just call me back with the total when he's finished in the warehouse and gets back up front. He does.

$16.00 bucks to ship 12 1oz bottles of liquid dye, packing and box.

I about had a cow!!! WTF is up with that??? I was so flabbergasted I couldn't say anything then I realized.... 1. its my own damn fault for not getting the total before he charged my card 2. I needed them anyway and I know the product so at least Im not dealing with anything new and not having to "mix" colors ( that is a fiasco for me ) and 3. they are using Fed Ex and even though Im not sure and I dont think it should have been that much, its still MY fault for being shocked because I didnt take the time to find out beforehand because I wasn't thinking about shipping costs up to here, and I've never had them ship me anything, I was always able to run by there.

Lesson Learned. My fault.

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Perhaps theres a little bit of embarrassment on her part to admit she misread the post. The deal she "thought" she was getting was also too good to be true. That should have been the first sign even on flea-bay.

I would feel bad if she had been screwed over by them but that was not the point.


Edited by Mountain Soy Candle
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You know, the issue of feedback is important to buyers too. While I agree that the advertisement was clear if you take time to read it, the company could have tried to work it out.

I am mostly a buyer on ebay. Mostly not candle, just other stuff. Been ripped off a few times. Sent one guy to jail for fraud.

Here's the thing with feedback.... The policy to prevent sellers from leaving negative feedback to buyers is well thought out and appreciated. I have never left negative feedback unless it was absolutely necessary to warn others. A few years ago I bought a computer part. False advertising. Several attempts on my part to contact the seller just got the silent treatment. Buyers have 30 days to make the feedback decision so on day 29 I left negative feedback and used my 80 characters to warn others.

The seller then immediately left me negative feedback for the sole purpose of retaliation. He offered to cancel both feedbacks which I refused.

So now my buyer status is tarnished and not because I didn't pay, but because I got a used broken defective product that was advertised as new in the box and after being unable to resolve it, I warned others.

I am so glad now that seller retaliation is stopped.

I know there are buyers out there that are jerks. Sorry about that. I'm not one and I shouldn't have a black mark.

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I am so glad now that seller retaliation is stopped.

I agree, but the negative feedback feature should NOT have been removed for sellers. I was both a seller and a buyer on Ebay. There are lousy buyers that sellers should be warned about. Retaliation can be easily monitered from Ebay. They choose not to do it. As a buyer on Ebay, I find it much easier to leave a negative feedback for the smallest of issues. I have never done it, but I know that I can. Sometimes I am honestly astounded by some of the horrible negatives left for decent sellers by miserable buyers. It goes both ways. I think the whole system stinks. They need a new method. I often think, it should be anonymous on both ends and without any comment- just ratings.

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The title of the post should have been "READ before you buy" geeeeesh. I've been pregnant a couple of times and hormones or not to try and cause a problem for sellers because you DID NOT READ is just WRONG.

.... and I do not believe that the customer is always right because, just like this incident that is not always true. I don't blame them for moving on. I doubt they will lose any business from this and if they do it's probably customers that would cause problems anyway. geeeesh. Oh wait, I said that. Shame on the OP for trying to hurt a business because she can't read.

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I agree- the deal was definitely too good to be true, as the OP saw it.... but the title of the auction is incorrect. It is not for a "huge lot". You shouldn't have to navigate that monster listing in order to decipher what the auction is for. (not that it can't be done, but still, lol) And the seller was just covering their butt, since ebay has taken to torturing sellers with the current rating/feedback system.

But, after all this commotion, I did place an order and received it already. :)

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BTW............. some of yall read my hijack earlier in the thread, just thought I'd follow up on that.......

Found out why shipping was so much on that 1 lb of dye...........

Blake took me serious when telling me it would be shipped that day and I said " GREAT cause I need it in a hurry " ...

It was sitting on my porch at 2pm today.. He overnighted it UPS !

Bless his heart!

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