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Posting on Facebook walls

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Last night I posted some pics on Natures Garden FB wall for there show and tell. Well now one of the ladies that also posted several pics last night "Liked" my page. Which is perfectly fine. But now she has posted one of her fall candle pics on my page with her website attached. Is this cool to do? Is she being harmless? Should I erase her post? Thoughts please :-) TIA!

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I would have done the same thing. Give her the benefit of the doubt and convince yourself she meant no harm but was just ignorant to proper business etiquette. If she does it again I would definitely send her a message announcing your displeasure with what she's doing and ask her to stop and if she continues block her from your page. I'm probably being too nice.

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Rude and desperate seems to describe what she did.

She needs to take an business etiquette class!! LOL

I would have deleted and not have even thought twice about it.

Then I would go to her FB biz page and post your link!!

Yeppers..That's what I would do.. .just sayin....

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Are you sure she didn't just post it on her page and since you are friends with her it shows up on your page? When my friend's post on their page it always shows up on my page in my newsfeed. I either change it so a friend's stuff doesn't ever show up (if it's a candle person) or patrol it very carefully if we post other stuff that I do want to see and just delete the candle references.

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Are you sure she didn't just post it on her page and since you are friends with her it shows up on your page? When my friend's post on their page it always shows up on my page in my newsfeed. I either change it so a friend's stuff doesn't ever show up (if it's a candle person) or patrol it very carefully if we post other stuff that I do want to see and just delete the candle references.

Ya know I don't really know. I did try to go to her page but she has it set to private and I'd have to friend her. This is my business page, fan page whatever people call it now and it has a "Like" button and not at friend request button. I have "Likes" with several other businesses and their stuff doesn't show up on my page so IDK.

Just wanted to not be an ass if she was trying to be friendly. Anyway it's off and everything's fine. Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this. :-)

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Jack...your candles and soaps are so nice. I love your display.. Good luck with your FB page!!

P.S - I would have removed the pic too. People never cease to amaze me

Awe! Your sweet to say that Tomara. :-) Thank you!

I am trying little by little. I get there one day soon. Hugs!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's why I hesitate to post in that "show and tell" section. I'm sure it is a well-meaning thing, but you know there are always going to be a few that turn it into something ugly! I don't think I would have liked someone "advertising" on my facebook if they weren't even my facebook friend, let alone selling the same things that I do! You did the right thing in just deleting it. Some people are out for a quick buck and will try to advertise wherever they can--whether they trample on toes or not.

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