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Facebook Fan Pages


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Gotta take advantage of FB, Twitter, etc....It's where a lot of people are at. We have had our fan page for over a year now and love it! Bottom line about it is, it's free advertising and gets you involved with your customers =)

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I'm not on either but I can see where the concept is good IF YOU KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL!

The absolute last thing I give 2 shits about is that the person who makes my candles is still in bed, what they ate for breakfast, or what any of their personal habits are. It's even worse when the text is peppered with juvenile emoticons such as :), =), and so forth.

I've seen several blabbermouth artists go right out of business because they got too chummy with their customers. Keep it 100% professional and don't share secrets.

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I cannot agree more! I "friended" another chandler who talks about her personal life, how she is mistreated by her husband, curses him and her mother openly about their past mistreatment and present, complains about everything...horrible! I've even seen others complain about the fragrances they were pouring, and how awful they felt when they poured them or how exhausted they had become while pouring, shared their new ink on their backside! I can't take that from any company, it is not professional. Who wants that?

Sure we complain about things here like getting woozy pouring Lovespell but not to our customers!

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I don't understand why people do all the personal stuff on their business pages. It's completely unprofessional. I'm a pretty private person so I never understand

people that want to air all their business. I can see maybe venting on a personal page that only your friends will see to a point but that should never be done on a business page. I'm not much of a facebook person anyway. I maybe will get on once or twice a day for a couple minutes and that's it. I do find it amusing though that some people seem to live on there. I wonder how they ever get anything done.

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I don't understand why people do all the personal stuff on their business pages. It's completely unprofessional. I'm a pretty private person so I never understand

people that want to air all their business. I can see maybe venting on a personal page that only your friends will see to a point but that should never be done on a business page. I'm not much of a facebook person anyway. I maybe will get on once or twice a day for a couple minutes and that's it. I do find it amusing though that some people seem to live on there. I wonder how they ever get anything done.

I wouldn't even do that on a facebook personal page. My neighbors, friends and family are my potential customers.

We have these forums to serve our needs about actually making our products. That's why it's important to not use your real name or your business name on forums. Yes, someone totally intent on finding out who you are here could probably do so, but they would have to search and do a lot of very boring reading.

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I have a FAN page. I never did understand why a lot of Vendors use their personal account as their fan page.

I think it may be laziness? It does take a bit more time to setup a fan page/add tabs, but it's so worth it.

I noticed Just Scent and Natures Garden don't have a "Fan page", They just have a regular account, so you HAVE to send a friends request, in order to post on their pages.

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I have a FAN page. I never did understand why a lot of Vendors use their personal account as their fan page.

I think it may be laziness? It does take a bit more time to setup a fan page/add tabs, but it's so worth it.

I noticed Just Scent and Natures Garden don't have a "Fan page", They just have a regular account, so you HAVE to send a friends request, in order to post on their pages.

Can't say about Just Scents but I do know NG has a fan page or business page. Deb was using her personal for quite some time till she maxed out her friends allowed LOL She has since changed it over to here: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/naturesgardencompany

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I'm trying to 'embrace' Facebook as I know its a popular social network. But honestly when I visit it I just can't get into it. I have my biz listed but rarely use it as I just don't like socializing this way. I also have a Twitter account. I use it more often but again its rather boring to me. Try as I may I just can't warm up to these social sites. I just don't care if you took your dog to the park today or made a new cucumber soap. I find it more interesting on a forum board like ours. Must be a generational gap. Social networks bore me to tears!

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