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What a goof I am sometimes :/

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Made a couple dozen votives yesterday. Put them in the freezer MEANING to do so for only 10 mins or so. Got distracted, forgot, went to the grocery store. An hour later.... I had several dozen frozen, cracked votives, which obviously can be repoured, I just happened to need them THAT evening. Oh well.... trials and tribulations of candle making!

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Aren't you glad you can always remelt! I hate it when I get distracted. I start out setting up my jars to wick and need more wicks, then I see I needed to pull out a couple more FOs I wanted to use so I get those, then remember I need my FO pouring formula so stop to go get that, then remember I need a pen to write down my the pour formula I'm gonna use for my new testers so I stop to do that... then remember I was setting up my jars for wicking and forgot to turn on the hot glue gun to warm up... and on and on... Its a wonder I can get anything done!:rolleyes2:laugh2::laugh2:

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I've so done that with meaning to take it out of the freezer in 5-10 minutes - & a few hrs later - oh crap :-) I seldom do it anymore - I don't trust myself - it just happens.

Edited by marcuset
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