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Nice start - under the picture on scents - did you mean "woodsy"? It is spelled "wodsy". Also, are these the scents available for your candles or scents available for other candlemakers to purchase? If your idea is for the buyer to pick a candle, then pick a scent, the tabs should be in the order you want them viewed.

Good Luck!

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On your products page you have for sale different size apothecary jars, but all the photo's show the status. Most people don't have a clue what the types of jars are called so when they see the status, that is what they're going to expect. It would be a big turn off for me, just saying.

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You home page strikes me as very cold and corporate vs warm and inviting. Needs some work. When people buy candles they want to be reminded of homey scenes or nature scenes that mimic the scents. Your home page does not reflect that.

I loathe the 'triple scented' marketing but thats me. I feel its deceptive unless you are actually putting 3x the amount of the manufacturers recommended FO in your candles. Which if you are then that would represent a safety concern. When I see "triple scented" marketing I automatically think candlemaker newbie.

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When I see "triple scented" marketing I automatically think candlemaker newbie.

Ha ha.. I used this hook line when I first started my webpage. Then I read what the heck it meant and took it off. I saw a lady use it whose been selling candles for 10+ years but when I read up on "triple" scented candles, I realized it's just a hook for customers who don't know any better. Don't like it either. Now I just say HIGHLY scented. :)

As far as your website, I understand it is not finished but did find it a little hard to navigate, cold (as mentioned), and the scent page is a little overwhelming.

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First post and advertising website...see if they come back?

Oh, and "triple scented" sends me over the edge and I just want to email asking WTF it means. I have actually posted candles for sale and say they are NOT "triple scented" because that phrase means absolutely nothing..irks me to no end.


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I loathe the 'triple scented' marketing but thats me. I feel its deceptive unless you are actually putting 3x the amount of the manufacturers recommended FO in your candles. Which if you are then that would represent a safety concern. When I see "triple scented" marketing I automatically think candlemaker newbie.

I, too, feel I'm talking to a huckster instead of a candlemaker when I see that.

Awhile back, a young woman asked me if my candles were triple scented. I asked her if she knew what triple scented meant. She didn't. It went downhill from there. lol.

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I agree that as a customer and I ordered the apoth candle and see only the pic of the status jar that's what I'd expect to receieve, if I were just your normal customer that doesn't know the difference in one jar to another. I'm a little confused as to why that pic is even on the site when you don't have that style jar listed as one you sell. Under the FAQ's it has FAQ's associated with your website design not your candle company and the contact is the same. It does have email info for your candle company but everything else seems to be about the web design and if I were a customer looking for directions to you, I'd have not a clue as it's in some language that I don't understand. Maybe you haven't gotten to those pages yet?? Just pointing it out. And I also have to agree with the others as far as the triple scented thing goes.

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This is a completely unfinished website. It still has a lot of the Latin filler text found in templates. You have to get rid of all that garbage. There is no flow to the page either. Navigating around is terrible. I actually feel "lost" as I click through. You would be better of just setting up a single page for info only. This website is simply not ready for production or to be viewed by the public at large if you want to use this as a sales/advertising medium.

Agreed with everyone else on the status pics, but sell different jars.

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*shudder* Nightmare sight if you want to place an order... Can you even place an order??

I clicked on the "click here to order", then it took me to your scent list and then I got a 404 error when I clicked on a page #?? :tiptoe: CRAZYY....

I would not be advertising you are the webmaster at the bottom of your page!!! LOL

You have lots of work ahead of you little grasshopper....:rolleyes2

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