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Wood type wicks

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I have not been impressed with wood wicks. My testing shows them to produce soot and a high flame (no matter how short I trim the wick). The "crackling" is very soft - more of a hiss than a crackle. They make a novel candle, but not a pretty burning candle. I'm anxious to see what other people think

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I have been testing with wood wicks and overall I like them.I did find that most of the wood wicked candles that are store bought are overwicked and always in an interlude jar which makes it even worse.The jar gets super hot after the halfway point and the flame is outrageous!.I've been using status jars with them and have found that the medium size wick seems to work the best.The large and ex lg sizes are way too big!Jmo,but i like them.Some of the ones i've made don't crackle hardly at all but others are quite loud.I think it depends on the f.o and dye.They are my favorite kind of candle to burn when i'm reading or it is otherwise really quiet in my house.I love the sound of the crackle...it creates a nice ambiance I think :)

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Not all woodwicks are the same or the same quality. Some crackle more while others don't. Its also a bit of a learning curve to wick waxes like soy with woodwicks. As far as the smoking I have some of the original Woodwick candles from Old Virginia Candle that started the woodwick candles and they don't smoke and the crackle is very nice. So if thats what you want to make test out a few woodwicks from various suppliers til you find one that works for you. Then keep testing until you get the wax wicked just right.

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I've found the woodwicks from Candlewic have a nice sound to them.. The flame is ok, could be a tad smaller. I've tried a medium wick in a 16oz Keepsake wasn't happy with the soot and the poor melt pool towards the top. I also tried both a medium and a large wick in a 22oz status jar.. Both had alot of soot after a while..

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I'm glad I searched for Wood Wicks before starting my own thread :) Newbie forum person here, but have been making candles on and off (as a hobby) for over 6 years. I just picked up a pack of medium wood wicks the other day just to give them a shot. I poured the candles for them this morning. I'm excited to start testing them out! Here's one of 2 I'm going to test out.


Does anyone know if there is much wood burning smell from the wick itself?

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Any thoughts on the wood wicking?

The wicking accuracy just isn't there as compared to conventional wicks. I think they are a novelty item that is pleasing to many people, but I do not believe that a consistent, efficient burn can be achieved with them. I also think they offer a greater risk of fire and container damage. I might consider them for an underwicked candle, especially one that is sand-cast (not glass), designed to look cool but not necessarily be an example of an efficient-burning candle. JMO

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Stella. I thought the same thing but tried the ones Bitter Creek is now selling and I was surprised. The old wicks I had gotten were really thick and burned super duper hot, these actually burned cool but I still got a good melt pool and good hot throw from them. They are really thin, more like the ones Woodwick and Dayna Decker are using. I would have to say my candles burned cooler than if using a standard wick.

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We have been making and selling wood wicked candles for a couple of years. They sell very well. They almost sell as well as the other candles in our store. We burn them by choice and like everything about them. We are considering switching from HTP wicked candles to all wood wick (still haven't made up our minds yet, the wicks are pricey). We use the Libbey Interlude jars with medium wood wicks from Lone Star Candle Supply. There is almost no soot. Nice size melt pool and great scent throw. Couldn't be happier with them (unless we could find a much cheaper source).

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