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Okay everyone, How do you really make scented tarts? Give up your secrets!!! :smiley2:

I have made about 25 batches with different wax and FO combos and none of them throw very well. I consider myself quite crafty - so this failure is making me crazy. Let me tell you what I have done thus far:

1. I have ordered about 40 different fragrances from Candle Science, NG, TCS, Peaks and KY.

2. 3 different waxes - KY Parasoy blend; IGI 4794/415 combo at 75%/25%, 66%/33%, and 50%/50% ratios; and I have used TCS blended container wax.

3. Heated waxes to a variety of temps ranging from 165 to 190 degrees.

4. Stirred in FO from 1 min to 3 min.

5. Poured from 150 to 170 degrees.

6. I have poured most tarts into clamshells or plastic candy molds.

7. Let them dry and harden - I sometimes put in freezer for 5 min or so to get out of molds easier.

So what do you think? What am I doing wrong? Or is there some secret ingredient that I am missing. Please be gentle with me - I really don't want to give it up. I'm still obessed!:smiley2:

Edited by ktaggard
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Were the ones I sent you satisfactory? If so, I heat one lb of wax to approx. 180-185, turn off the heat, aff the FO, stir for about a minute, and pour around 170-175. Let me know how it goes. (I think one of the tarts I sent was Alhambra).

I am familiar with all the waxes you mention; the one I like the least and quit using is the KY parasoy for tarts. I know many forum members love it, but I do not.

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Ravens, your tarts are awesome!! They are part of the reason I am so disappointed. I can't get mine to throw like yours. Do you add any other additives?

Kudos to all you successful smelly candle makers. It takes skill and experience. Hopefully someday, I will be among you.

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No, there is no "secret' ingredient in mine. I have tried adding a few things in the past (CO, vaseline, beeswax...), and realized it didn't make a bit of difference. I'm at a loss, don't know what you could possibly be doing wrong :sad2:

Have you considered candlenose? Have you given your tarts to someone else to test? I have to do that; between candlenose and (near) permanent sinus problems, I can't smell a thing, most of the time!:rolleyes2

I realize it's frustrating, but don't give up; one day you will come back to this board screaming "EUREKA!".

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Hi Ravens,

Can I ask what percentage of FO you are currently using or does it vary? I know you and I have both used some of the same waxes but I couldnt get the TCS Container to throw that great (I know that is your favorite). Right now I am using the 4794/415 combo, which has had the best results so far but I am still not 100% satisfied. The hot throw is really good for about 4 hours or so, but after that it seems to peter out. I am not sure if I am expecting too much, or maybe I have candlenose by that point and just dont notice the smell anymore. I was just curious if you find that using a higher percentage of FO makes the difference, or if even lowering the percentage in some cases makes the throw stronger. I currently use 1 oz to 14oz of wax, but plan to increase it to see if that helps. Thanks for any input!


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Megandgarr, the amount of FO I use varies, but the average is 1.2oz pp.

For the past few weeks or so I have been experimenting with the JW6800 and 4786. Tested just one scent for now (NG's Desired) and it is nothing short of fantastic :yay:

HTH some.

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Lorelie, I havent tried 415 by itself yet. I use silicone molds so I thought that wax without any paraffin added would be too soft. Do you use the 415 in molds or in clamshells?

Ravens, are you testing the JW6800 and 4786 in a blend, or are you testing them separately using the same scent?


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I'm going through the same thing. But I might have a bit of a breakthrough, maybe.

I've been playing with this Genwax 128. It doesn't hold much FO. 4 or 5 percent. That's about it. I was pretty darned impressed with how well 4 percent would throw so I started mixing to see if I could keep the same good quality and increase the FO load. I mixed 50/50 with Harmony. That got me to 9 percent pretty steadily without any weaping. Then I mixed the Genwax with 4786. You won't believe this but I loaded it to 15 percent and no weaping. Wow was that a strong throw in a candle (but a lot of mushroom). So I'm going to try this with the clamshells next.

Edited by EricofAZ
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Hi Erica,

Please let me know how this works for you. I am so frustrated with trying to find a good wax for tarts. Do you think the Gen Wax 128 blend with the 4786 would be too soft for tarts using a silicone mold? I like the throw on the 4794 for about the first couple of hours but then it fizzles. I think I need to try a different wax. Did you use a 50/50 blend of the two?


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When I make tarts, I use the same exact waxes that I use for my candles (soy & palm formulas), same FOs and amounts, same additives. Tarts are a "leftover" project for me. When I have extra wax from pouring candles, I sometimes make a few tarts. They smell great, do what they are supposed to do and are totally easy to make. I use one or two in a tin on an electric warmer. I sometimes run the warmer 24/7. The fragrances last about a week - sometimes more; seldom less. I don't make clamshells or huge hunks of wax - the melts I make are .5 - 1 oz. each. HTH : )

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Just curious as to how you are testing? What kind of melter are you using? tealight or electric?

Also - how big is the room you are testing in.

I would give some to my friends and let them try them. All the waxes you use are great for tarts. My favorite is Astorlite V -- however due to high price, I have switched to KY parasoy. I like it alot but do not LOVE it.

But it still throws great -- and I use 1 1/2 ounce per lb. Only exception is BCN blueberry muffin -- 1 oz is killer strong in any wax I have tried.

Edited by Barb-Cec
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Today I made several batches of tarts using 50/50 4794 & 6006 and a 10% FO load. I am going to see how this works out. I use FO's from Peaks, KY, CS, NG, JS & Alabaster so I believe they are good quality oils. So many people have good luck with the 4794 alone, or the 4794/415 blend, but for me they just didnt last long enough. They started out really good and strong but would peter out after about 2-3 hours. I use the 2 in 1 electric warmers with the hot plate & removable ceramic dish. Maybe I just needed to up the FO load with the 4794/415, I dont know. So now I will see how this new combo does. I hope it throws like da bomb!!! LOL

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Thank you to all who replied. I am learning so much. I am still experimenting and testing almost everyday. I am so obsessed.

I think I had a break through when I bought two metal tealight warmer at a rummage sale. I tried them and I could finally smell my tarts. I think Scentsy warmers don't get warm enough. Too bad, I have lots of them. Have any of you found a wax that works well with the Scentsy warmers? Just curious. My next purchase will probably be tin warmers.

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I don't make tarts, but I do pour leftover wax into ice cube trays that my son "steals" and uses them in a warmer. They smell great. I use C3 wax and P2 wax from genwax and i've tested with 1oz/lb and 1oz/12oz of wax. He's used both and they both smell good.

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The Genwax 128 is very hard to the touch. They come in one pound bricks. The 4786 is a bit softer, but still pretty dry to the touch. So no, I don't think its too soft for tarts.

I'm not saying that the Genwax is some kind of miracle wax, just that I think the combo seems to be working.

Ok, I'll do this. I'll mail a sample tart to the first 5 that sign up. I'd rather have the sign up sheet here in this thread because all y'all (that's plural for y'all) seem to be interested, but if I am supposed to do this in the swap, let me know and I'll go there.

Not sure the size I'll send, I have to check postage rates on a 4x9 envelope (has to be under 3.5 oz total). I'll make Fresh Baked Bread scent (also from Genwax) with at least a 15 percent load and more if it takes it. Now we all know that more is not necessarily better, but what the heck, lets have some fun.

In exchange, I want some honest feedback on how well or badly they work for you. Good throw? Long lasting? Easy to use? Easy to clean? Etc.

I was hoping to do what Stella is doing and use the left over for tarts. To some extent, I am doing that, but I want to play more. The truly awful stuff goes into the firestarter bin of course.

I have a tealight warmer. One of these days I'll buy an electric one.

Edited by EricofAZ
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Hi Erica,

Just got home from work and saw your post. Not sure if it is too late, but I would love to test one of your tarts, and I can send you a few of mine in return (for honest feedback as well). Please let me know if you still need takers and I can PM you my info. Thanks,

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