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Back in business!

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First off, hello!

I am new to this message board (i think). Back from 2003 to 2006, I was really big into my candle business and keeping up on the boards, however life had other plans for me. Anyway, I recently got back into the game :yay:, and really excited to get back on with all the other crafty folks out there! I can honestly say I have truly missed it and am so thrilled to be back!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vicky,

Back in Feburary 2006 you sent the following post. Did you ever get the list made up and if so would you mind posting it.

Thanks so much,



Hi Guys

I would like your help here. I am going to try to put a soy data base together. If any of you are willing? This is information I would like to collect first. Even if someone has given the same answer for the same kind of wax please answer with your information also. I want as many opinions as possible.

Type of Soy or Soy Blend you use?

Additives if any?

Preferred dyes?

Preferred wick (Not sizes)?

Pouring temp you recommend?

What you do to prevent frosting?

What you do to prevent rough tops?

Do you do anything to prevent wet spots?

I want to put something together in the Tips and FAQ Database and Archive everyone that helps will have their names listed at the bottom of the data base. Credit will be give where credit is due.

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Hi, glad to meet you.

(You know you're a geek when your best friends have online names.)

I like your nick. I have a moody cat who helps me with my candle making. We're both candleholics, but I'm OK with it and she still needs help.

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Hi, glad to meet you.

(You know you're a geek when your best friends have online names.

Hello, and thank you! I totally agree! Especially when I am talking about random things I read on here that really get my mind going and throw in "oh, SatinDucky, or AlwaysWondering said this" I get some funny looks from my husband from time to time :laugh2:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey MOOdY_Girl I was wondering if that was really you~you dropped off the face of the earth a couple of years ago-nice to see you back and that all is OK.
HEY E! :yay:

It's me...definitely me!

A lot came at us a few years ago, so MOOd SWInGS was put on the back burner (so to speak). I started back in my candles and soap (acquiring supplies) and dusting off all of my recipes last year and have been slowly working my way back in. I think the hardest part was finding a really good supplier out here. (everyone I used way back when was in Texas)

It's funny because I thought so much would have changed in the world of candles/soaps....it is still pretty much the same. The only exception is the price of everything.

Great to hear from you!!


Added: A big hello to you Going2Adopt!

Edited by MOOdY_Girl
just because
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Welcome back! I am also just coming back from about a year off, had to quit while I was pregnant and then now the baby is just getting old enough and taking good naps where I have a few mins to myself and candle making is way more fun to do in that time than cleaning house (lol) even though I must do that too :)

Now I am going through and trying to get more supplies ( hubby isn't to thrilled with that though) lol

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