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Price of oils


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WOW! They price of coconut and Palm Kernel have taken exponential price increases!:(

When Leisa started her co-op in mid-Dec(sadly she wasn't able to complete it) the price of

Coconut Oil, 76 Degree ($1.28 lb) 50 lb Pail is now $1.56

Castor Oil - USP ($2.10 per pound) 7 lb. is OOS at $2.27

Jojoba, Golden ($7.00 per pound)7 lb. is OOS but I'm positive the last time I looked it was at $10/lb

Palm Kernel Oil Flakes ($1.35 lb)50 lb.Bag is now $1.66!

Palm Kernel - 7 lbs is $2.21/lb which is how I buy it.

Oils by Nature is still closed so couldn't compare with their prices.

Edited by IwantItgreen
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I spoke to a couple distributors (LARGE distributors for multi-national corp types) and both told me that the crops were bad over the winter. They recommended waiting 6 to 9 months to purchase in bulk again. The crops should be better over the summer and they are expecting prices to come down a bit.

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I'm pretty stocked up (just got castor and another 50 lb cube of palm), but am hesitant to soap just for the heck of it. I guess with the prices up, I'll have to plan all my batches to try and keep prices down. But when I have to reorder and the prices are still high, prices will have to go up. What a drag! Does everything have to go up at the same time!

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Between our increased demand on fuel oil, as a result of a harsh winter and the Egyptian turmoil; expect prices to continue upward. Shipping is the villain. I have good stock supplies and have pretty much stopped producing anything at this point. Valentines is not a good event for me and sales usually don't pick up until spring and then fall flat for summer.


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