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Hey everyone-

I want to thank everyone that has replied and helped me with my questions regarding candle making and I am sure I will still have many more- I DO still have many more but I will admit that I am a little afraid to ask now after reading some of the threads about newbies....but that is a whole other thread....

I just wanted to give back a little and maybe alot of you already know this (could be the best kept secret around) but in trying to figure out how to get rust out of my molds I came across and tried Easy Off Cold Oven No Fume oven cleaner. I sprayed them and let them sit for an hour and took a fibercloth to wipe them out and they look brand new!! Now to make sure I didnt have a film on them I dipped them in hot soapy water and immediately threw them in a warm oven to evaporate any water and moisture. I then melted my scap wax and filled them and cannot believe not one speck of rust or dye came off on the wax- and they were still smooth.

A few months back I got alot of molds from a guy on craigslist and alot of them so rusty and dye stained- I do not use dye and when I tried making melts they turned out aweful- I had searched a couple threads on this and WD40 seemed to be the answer but it did not work for me and I didnt want to mess with actual rust cleaners- they are so harsh.

I know its little and doesnt pertain to actual candle making but if any of you have rusty molds give it a try- it rocks!!

Thanks again for everyones help and encouragement- I am getting closer to perfecting the PITA square mason jars!!:yay:

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I just wanted to drop a note and say hi. I'm another newby and I've also noticed that alot of the old pros can be a little intimidating, but are also wonderfully helpful.

I know I ask a million stupid questions & some of the responses are a little on the snarky side, but it's typically better than not asking at all. Don't be afraid to look dumb. You know you'll learn something. . . . At least that's how I look at it.

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There are a lot of very nice, knowledgeable people on this board, don't be afraid to ask questions. But like Linda said, start with the search feature. Chances are if you have a question, someone else has had the same one at some point. Many of your questions can probably be answered by doing so.

Now I do agree, the search function on the forum may not be the best. If that is not giving you good results, do a google site search. I find I get a much better result set. The syntax is:

<search criteria> site:craftserver.com/forums

So, it would look like:

wax recommendations site:craftserver.com/forums

If you don't remember the above, click on the Advanced Search from Google. It provides prompts for the search criteria and the site info is at the bottom.

Hope that helps!


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  • 1 month later...

Yes. Basically spray, wipe, rinse thoroughly to get any chemical off, repeat if needed. I've only used it on clear glass, so I don't know about containers that are colored, decorated, ceramic, etc.

Edited by Darbla
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I just wanted to drop a note and say hi. I'm another newby and I've also noticed that alot of the old pros can be a little intimidating, but are also wonderfully helpful.

I know I ask a million stupid questions & some of the responses are a little on the snarky side, but it's typically better than not asking at all. Don't be afraid to look dumb. You know you'll learn something. . . . At least that's how I look at it.

uh, hi...

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I do believe the key word here is "rinse"

yes- a bomb like substance would probably occur if we just sprayed it in and filled with wax but the words are..... s-p-r-a-y.....w-i-p-e......

r-i-n-s-e.....and r-e-p-e-a-t

Dish soap is hardly harmful and ensures cleaning off the film of oven cleaner :wink2: I havent had an explosion yet or any adverse reactions in my wax

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Lighten up - it was a joke meant to be sung to "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas."

Besides, the formula for homemade napalm (jellied gasoline) is slightly different.

There is no wicking issue with napalm......any old wick will work :laugh2:

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Lighten up - it was a joke meant to be sung to "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas."

Besides, the formula for homemade napalm (jellied gasoline) is slightly different.

Christmas makes your eyes bulge?? But...."It's the most wonderful time of the year....." LOL

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If you want the true miracle worker use Coke. I had some rust on our porcelain tub that I tried every product (including straight bleach) & Coke took it right off. You can make a paste out of baking soda & Coke for a scrub. I've also used it on metal & it works like a charm Kinda scary, huh!?!


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I had some rust on our porcelain tub that I tried every product (including straight bleach) & Coke took it right off. You can make a paste out of baking soda & Coke for a scrub.

KEWELL!! I gotta try that. My water has a LOT of iron bacteria and it's always making ugly buildup on stuff. Wonder if Diet Coke or Coke Zero work as well for a fraction of the calories...:laugh2:

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Here's another use for Coke. Our water company told us this tip last week. If you suspect your toilet tank may be leaking into the bowl, pour a can of coke into the tank. Wait a couple hours and check. The water in the bowl will be discolored if there's any leakage at all.

Ok, I know it's totally off the subject, but Coke post reminded me of it :laugh2:

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