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HP question


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We've been doing batches of CP. After doing some research on it and reading some threads, yesterday we tried our hand at HP using the crockpot method. We kept waiting for that final stage of what some describe as looking like vaseline. Our batch was doing fantastic...just like the tutorials and pictures we had seen. But, it seemed to skirt by the "vaseline stage" and right into a very thick "batter". I later found another thread on here that was excellent on what can be done after it's cooked and prior to molding...will use these tips tonight. But in my research, I have found a couple of conflicting instructions on the temperature of the crockpot. One said set it on low and the other on high. We had ours on high. Which is right?

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Thanks Barbara...we did use TD (for water) in our lye solution so we could achieve the colors we wanted. And what you describe is exactly what we experienced. So tonight when we do another batch, I'll keep the crockpot low and watch the temperature that it doesn't get past 190. Thanks so much.

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OK...we did another batch and this time used MMS Honey Almond (love this!) We had soaped it before, only CP. So, we put the crockpot on low as sugggested by y'all, and monitored the temp from time to time. We used the same recipe as yesterday except we blended in 5% OO right before dividing into two batches, dyed one with brown iron oxide and the other with yellow iron oxide. The colors were really nice. We're hoping for a nice swirl pattern....we'll see how it turns out tomorrow. We did notice that it took longer for the soap to reach the final stage with the lower temperature. But we had more time to work with the soap in the end. Not sure if this is because of the added OO, the reduced temperature or the fact that we didn't cook the daylights out of it causing it to be so thick like last night. Nonetheless, this batch was easier to work with. Thanks again for your tips...always appreciate it.

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I cook mine on low and most of the time it is done in about 45min to an hr, depending on my recipe I guess ( I have turned it up on sometimes to get it going faster) . Oh and I am a stirrer, as soon as I see it cooking good around the edged I fold it in. Then I stir about every 10min. I'm so silly I love to show everyone the "Vaseline" stage...lol

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I have also found that when I keep it on low I have a lot more time to play with it. My batches used to get hard over cooked flecks when I cooked on high the first 10 minutes.

Once the soap is in the crock pot I don't touch it, I keep an eye on it and let it gel. If it starts to rise to the top I shake the crock pot. Only time I touch it is if it is expanding too much which is rare, that usually happens if lye was too hot. I like the texture better the less it's stirred.

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Ok...I couldn't wait any longer and decided to unmold. Here it is. (Drum roll please) LOL...(Our drum is very little since we're in the learning stages of HP) Anyway...I appreciate all your tips and advice. Keeping it on low was the best advice. We really kept an eye on it and it goes into the vaseline looking stage pretty quickly...almost to the point that we were questioning if that was it or not. My husband said "that's it...I'm tellin' ya, that's it") He also is the one that mixed the two batches together. (I think I'll keep him) Thanks guys...oh boy...now what to soap next


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I cook on low with no water discount. Bring to heavy trace, put the lid on and leave it alone until it's done. Something I do is add a bit of glycerin at the end and stir it in to make it a little smoother for swirling, layering whatever. Its something that works for me and keeps the soap a nice texture and consistency for molding.

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Thanks guys. Oh chrisinpa, where do you get your sodium lactate? And do you use about 3% in your batches? And sugar...about the same?

The sodium lactate I bought at wsp, I use 2%.

I usually put .2 oz of sugar in a batch, maybe a little more for a larger batch.

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