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need "catchy" phrase for my new business (long)


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I haven't posted here in a very long time but pop in every once in awhile to see what everyone is up to. Having recently separated from my husband after 16.5 yrs (for the better) I'm finding myself not having time to do anything but paint and fix up the house that he never did anything too, but I need to bring some extra (never extra really) income so I can keep the house and as of 12/22 my van died and is headed for the scrap yard.

I burned my last candle from my stock at work and decided I need to take a step back for awhile and get my life back on track. I have been enjoying my crocheting and my crocheting but don't want to totally step away from the aroma world, so I'm combining the too and at the prodding of my hair dresser and president of the town Chamber of Commerce...my New Years Resolution is going to be to get serious with the launching of my new business and hopefully a storefront down the road.

Business will be called "The Scented Stitch" I'm stuck on the catch phrase.

I was thinking: Gifts handmade from the heart.....????

Handmade gifts that ???? your senses

Hopefully somebody has some good ideas. Words are just failing me at the moment.

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What's wrong with 'gifts handmade from the heart'? I like it.

Gifts that hook your senses.

I was trying to think crochet terms, but that was the best I had. :laugh2:

OK, brain storm...




slip stitch




Anything jump out here?

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OOOh keep 'em coming. I chose the "stitch" because I do a lot of sewing as well as crocheting and my mom knits and my sister makes jewelry (not really stitching, but I won't deny her selling anything in the store) so I'm covering all our bases. My DREAM is to open a shop not only to sell my things but I want to offer classes, mostly for kids. We don't have any place in town to buy supplies and definately don't have anyplace to learn how to use craft supplies. Our library has a knitting group on Thursday night that has grown in popularity.

There isn't much in our town to do and I really feel that we need to teach the younger generation some of these "old fashioned" things so that they aren't lost and so that kids keep their minds active and imaginative and boosts their self esteem..so that they have something to show for their efforts. Time to put down the game and tv controllers (as my son sits and plays xbox with his friends and another friend is calling in on Skype)

I would also like to be able to offer make and take birthday parties . Last year my daughter invited 4 friends to a " bubble blast birthday" I let them make glycerin soap in 3 different molds with different fragrances and colors and glitter and embeds. We also made some bath salts and they had a blast. A conversation between them and my daughter went something like this: "this was so much fun, you're so lucky" daughter replied: "why" "cause you get to do this stuff all the time" "No I don't" "why, doesn't your mother allow" "Oh I can do this stuff anytime I want, I just don't want to"

Not sure where she came from. My aunts are also very crafty with one thing or another and my daughter isn't interested in any of it.

There is a building for rent in our town right on the corner of the main intersection. Not sure of the footage but it has a couple of rooms in the back that could be used for classrooms. They are asking $475/month but the chamber president said I probably could get it for $400 which is very steep right now for me since I need a new car and am looking for a new house for the kids and I. So, I'm gonna start small with the name trademark and get things listed in my artfire shop and then plan on having a booth at our big fourth of july festival this summer and hopefully will get feedback on my ideas.

Thanks for the name ideas. Keep brainstorming. I really like what's been suggested so far.

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After brainstorming with some friends we've agreed on the following tag line:

The Scented Stitch....Handmade Gifts That Hook Your Senses

(royalty checks for all those who helped with the name will be sent after my first $1,000.00 in sales) LOL

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(royalty checks for all those who helped with the name will be sent after my first $1,000.00 in sales) LOL

Just a thousand in sales before you send out royalty checks?!?!?

I'd say you are missing 3 zero's - make it a million! But you do have a great new tag line that you are pleased with and that is a wonderful feeling.

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I think you would personally do better financially by offering your services for the bubble party. Parents are always looking for new ideas for birthday parties, and young girls having their friends over, etc. I would explore that idea. I did a soap demo on glycerin for my niece's class and I had 9 mothers call me to see if I could do at home parties.

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I thought I'd get some bites for birthday parties after my daughter had hers, but nothing. Although I really need the money now, I'm not pursuing the business for the financial aspect. I really feel there is a need to get back to some good old fashioned stuff like the crocheting, sewing...hands on skill type things that reap useful benefits as well as building self esteem and might keep some kids from getting in trouble. In our town, if you're not in sports or dance, there is absolutely nothing for you to do within walking distance. There is also a need for a place to buy craft supplies here. In talking to the chamber president, I think I will have a good thing going. I've had a couple scout leaders ask when I'd be ready to start classes and I've had many adults telling me they would like to sign up for learning something new....anyway, thanks again everyone for the input and I guess I better get busy. I have 5 bears to dip and turn into cheerleaders for next sat. football banquet.

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After brainstorming with some friends we've agreed on the following tag line:

The Scented Stitch....Handmade Gifts That Hook Your Senses

(royalty checks for all those who helped with the name will be sent after my first $1,000.00 in sales) LOL

In my old life I wrote (and got paid) so I like the Hook idea but it's not exactly "right"...I'm staring at the phrase and there should be a different word somewhere that will make the tagline more lyrical...it's making me crazy cuz it's a simple fix I just don't know what the one missing word is...I actually think that the Handmade Gifts That Hook(s)Your Senses is the diamond in the crown more than The Scented Stitch name...it's clever alliteration but doesn't marry the idea of crocheting and candle making for me. I'm floating what the common thread is (pardon the pun) that ties these two crafts together...I'm on the yarn, thread, wick road right now...scented & stitch (beyond the alliteration) don't go together....so maybe reverse your thinking...cotton & candles (see, I too am guilty of alliteration) lol....but...there's a common thread....because the Internet may make what I'm trying to say sound snarky but I'm earnest in my suggestions...

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Alliteration perfection or not, that is the name of the business though right? Or are you up for changing that?

I was under the impression that you are looking for a catch phrase to go along with the name you have decided on.

When you mentioned stitching and scents together it made me think of this.....

A stitch in time smells devine!

Corny? Perhaps. Lol.

The 'hook' version works great I think... EVEN if you are doing other things as well.... I'd say as long as you FEATURE the crochet stuff it'll work.

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I'm definately keeping the name "The Scented Stitch" I was looking for a tag line to go along with the name. I've decided though that I'm not stuck on the "hook" part of the word because the major feature of my business is the sewn things and some things will be scented (like scented hot pads) and I will still do my air freshener bears (which I call fraggles...fragrant animals) and I'll keep my line of hanging air fresheners. At this point, I'm not even sure that a tag line is necessary, but if using one, I definately like to incorporate the word Handmade in it so people know that I'm not carrying bulk items from China (like the only other gift store in my town) Anyway....this is a work in progress, keep the ideas, criticisms, etc. coming....many minds thinking together!

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