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Mottling Wax for pillars and votives

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We've been using EcoSoya PB and really like it. But really love the mottling pillars and votives and decided we'd order some and see what we thought. I did a google search for it and CS came up, but when I went to their site, it's not there. So did they sell it at one time? I was hoping they had it b/c they are closer to us than any other supplier. I continued to search and found a mottling wax at Candlewic...4045H. So, I went ahead and order a case to start testing. I am really looking for a supplier that sells it that is closer to the East Coast...Is Candlewic it?

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Totally forgot about Aztec selling the 1274 Steve. Urggghh. I'm gonna order in samples of CS's wax and the 1274 and compare with the 4045H. @ Dan...I ordered in some LX wicks to begin testing. Can I ask what is your choice with this wax? We're going to begin with votives and 3" dia pillars.

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Lone Star sells IGI 1274 mottling wax. I've used it in containers and pillars. It is a pretty hard wax and makes a nice pillar. Adhesion to the container is not that great, expect some wet spots, but sometimes it does adhere (not sure, pour temperature has an effect). Seems to mottle better with slower cooling rate.

General Wax in LA has a mineral oil additive that is supposed to cause paraffin waxes to mottle. I have not tried it yet. I did buy some high quality mineral oil locally (not the same mfgr or number) and it did not work. Maybe GenWax has figured it out.

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Totally forgot about Aztec selling the 1274 Steve. Urggghh. I'm gonna order in samples of CS's wax and the 1274 and compare with the 4045H. @ Dan...I ordered in some LX wicks to begin testing. Can I ask what is your choice with this wax? We're going to begin with votives and 3" dia pillars.

I use 1274 for pillars. It produces perfect mottles everytime and rustics come out really nice if poured between 150-160. For wicking 3" pillars, I use Eco 8 with most of my FOs. (24ply FB also works well for 3")

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I used to use 1343 or 1274 for mottled pillars, but always had a problem with bulging. I changed over to 4045H from Candlewic and haven't looked back. Unfortunately it is only available from them as it is a custom blend, but I feel it's worth it as the wax is awesome!!!

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I use 1274 with 2 TBS Stearic per lb. Been using it for years. You just have to be careful with the stearic and not use to much or it will kill the mottle. I use 1343 for rustics with 1 TBS Stearic.

I use flat braid wicking.

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lovemylabs...I had forgotten to come back to this thread.

For the candleI posted....I used 1343, a 1/4 tsp vybar...and fo at .75oz

I added the vybar because I wanted a more uneven mottle and adding vybar was recommended by Scented, I think.

For rustics...I add about 3tbls stearic pp to the 1343...I also chill the molds a bit, but not sure that's necessary.

I too use flat braid wicking :)

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I'm about to start experimenting with 1343 again since 1274 is no longer at CS. Both waxes can sag and the best fix for that I've found is adding about 0.5% of microcrystalline wax. I have two types and both work though the 190f mp micro inhibits mottling more than 5045 (IIRC). 0.25% does a little, but not as effective as .5 for preventing oil bleed at 5% FO. 1-2% stearic encourages mottling if the micro is inhibiting it a little too much.

Hoping these experiences work well with 1343. I think last time I tried it I didn't use any stearic and had seeping, sagging, and general poor performance.

Except when used with Vybar (.5 I think), which worked great... but no mottling o course.

FWIW 1 TBS stearic is about 8 grams. So 3 PP is a hair over 5%.

Edited by radellaf
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