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Last show set-up


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Well, thanks to a lady that I met during my very first craft show, I got to do two more these past two weekends. I got a wholesale account out of it, and tons of people commented on how great everything looked and smelled, and how cute all of my names were (even if they didn't buy anything, it still made me happy!) :) I made about $750 these past two weekends- which to me, I don't think is too bad. :) Here's the setup from this last show I did. Since I'm new to the whole craft show scene- please don't be too harsh! :)











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Guest EMercier

I think your setup is nice and I'm happy for you on your results. Not that bad at all. A lot better than what I did when I have two shows in one weekend. The only thing I would say, is have a table cloth that goes to the floor. (I learned that here and it made a BIG difference)

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Guest Spellkast's buddy

Hi Spellkast,

Your set up looks great:yay: you did a really good job. I love everything, and congrats on doing so well. Glad to hear you had a good show. Hope you had a good week end.

Your buddy:D

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Thanks guys!!!

My husband actually took those pics before I was finished setting up...so I had a huge cloth with my company logo hung on that table you see...so the boxes weren't visible :) And I know he took a pic of it, but I have no idea where it went! And the tins sold a lot better than I thought they would!!! They sold better than the jars, in fact! I guess people think they're cute after all! And the number one best seller was Lilac!! Didn't see that one coming! :)

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I haven't done a craft show yet, but I'm hoping to do one in maybe a year or so, but I've noticed you had a folger's bag near the tins, was that to help your customers clear the smell of one candle in order to smell the next? Secondly, I noticed you have your business cards, but what is the other sign that you have up? Sorry I'm being so nosey, but I'm just curious what are some things a person should put up at their booth regarding their products for others to view?



P.S. While asking all of these questions, I forgot to mention that your display and products look very nice...I love the variety of colors...just marvelous!!!!

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Thanks! Yes, the folgers bag was for people to clear their senses. I had 20 scents with me, and some people wanted to smell all of them. :) I basically made a whole bunch of signs :) I made 3 price list signs in front of each of the tiered displays...then I made little cards that described each product and had the price on those, and then I also had a sign for a little doggy I was raffling dipped in wax, and a sign for my Donation Of Elation...I give 10% proceeds to one of 6 charities...and the customers get to choose which charity they'd like to donate to. I think that was it as fa as signs went. :) There's a great sticky at the top of the business forum that discusses what things to bring to craft shows- it was very helpful! I totally discourage brochures though!!! I didn't have any- but tons of people were walking around with NO bags, and handfuls of brochures! It seems as though they were just collecting them...and I was right by a big ol' garbage can, and people would walk buy and just toss them..so bring SOME, but don't keep them within reach of anyone...if someone specifically asks for one, then give it to them, but don't just leave them out for people to take and throw away...Just my opinion :)

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