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Business Etiquette - maybe I'm Naive


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I haven't been in business that long so maybe I'm naive but feel that there should be limits to how far another local candlemaker should go to come up with a good product. I found out a few months back that a competitor candle company in Connecticut purchased one of my Macintosh Apple candles, "dissected it", his words, and then revamped his whole line which now ironically looks alot like mine. Of course, alot of candle companies use mason jars so my point isn't about being unique. I just think it was sleazy for him to circumvent his testing by using someone else hard work....

Thoughts, am I being naive?? Anyone else have this happen with another company so close to yours?

Last note, I think I would have respected this candlemaker more if he just asked me for some help.....like we all do here

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What a shame! I keep re-inventing my line so I DON'T look like everyone else! LOL This guy has it backwards. Unfortunately, there are alot of unscrupulous (sp?) people in business these days who will do anything to make a buck. If he had to sink to a low like that, he isn't very confident in his product. So, although it is a pain, and annoying, he did have to dissect YOUR quality product to try and improve HIS mediocre one! :) You could look at it that way if nothing else. It is a bit of a compliment, in a twisted sort of way! :P

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Just remember Karma is a bitch :smiley2:. If he doesn't do his own testing, he will probably not have the knowledge or experience to last very long. It is alot tougher to succeed if you do not have the basic understandings of how your products work and how different factors interact. Unfortunately, large corporations reverse engineer products all the time. Small manufactoring businesses need more experience with their products to succeed (in my opinion). Bet he is not in business for long.



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Thanks for the response. That's what my friends have said, take it as a compliment and I guess I do to a point but this guy has been in business for alot longer than me by years. He started out with paraffin candles by purchasing an established business. Then I heard when he switched to soy he ran into problems with wicking...what a surprise :smiley2: Anyway, guess he couldn't figure it out and took a shortcut.... Actually since he bought the paraffin business, he probably never had to develop much. His latest ploy is to drop his prices lower than mine. My husband and mentor says, just keep doing what I'm doing and ignore his type because there will always be someone like that......

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What kills me is he has the nerve to tell you he 'dissected' it. The way you describe this person and the business sounds like they don't know a whole lot about actually making candles. Sounds like he likes to stand on the shoulders of others by copying their candle products and calling it his own. I agree just wait and see how this buffoon does. Bet he will either copy someone else or be out of biz by next year.

You know you can't really copy a candle. You have to test it out and it also has to withstand the test of time too. Copying won't do that.

Edited by Candybee
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Just to clarify he didn't tell me directly, he said this to another person who told me. I do know for sure he purchased one of my candles because his employee actually placed the order. Unfortunately I didn't know it was his employee until after the fact otherwise I would have declined his card :yay:....He also has tons of scents, like 100+....that's alot of scents to test....

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Thoughts, am I being naive?? Anyone else have this happen with another company so close to yours?

I had this happen to me when I was about 2-3 years in the biz. The guy stopped and talked to us at a show for hours and bought several candles. He took them home and he and his wife proceeded to completely copy our packaging, name, etc. AND they are in the same town as we are. Then he went on and boasted that he and his wife were going to under-price every candlemaker in the area and put them out of business! (which was basically a referral to me.) Well, here we sit 11+ years in the biz....and he is pretty much out of the picture. No, I don't have anything to say to him nowadays. He is basically an ass (still)!

I have learned over the years that if I know my product and believe in it, others will, too. (After testing etc of course! LOL) "Copying is a form of flattery"; well maybe, but it can still p*ss on off! LOL

Hang in there and focus on you and your product. Keep positive and don't undermine the other guy. Things will work out. Good luck!!

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That stinks! I think I know who you mean, he sells in my area and has his workshop/business set up a few blocks from me. His candles are not that great at all. I bought one last year and was not happy with it at all. I was at a market with him last week and he sold only 3 or 4 candles, so I think word has gotten out about his poor quality, also he has a poor attitude about him while selling. I hope that makes you feel better, Karma will get him.

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I have been in business for many years and I have learned the hard way that they are a lot of sleazy so called candlemakers out there. These people are in it to make a quick buck and really don't care about the quality of their products and they give us all a bad name.

Why spend all that time/money working on a product when you can just steal others' hard work.

Maybe you can use the fact that this guy bought one of your candles in your marketing... something like "even the competition prefers our candles"

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hello i am new here..was just surfing the net last night and came accross your forum...my name is Cara, and have been a candle maker for 13 years..things have changed alot but that is one thing that has not, people borrowing, saying nicely..your ideas...what i have done, when i have a really good idea, i copywrite it.. does not cost much..if you have a serious business...and plan to do this for a while it does not hurt to do this on certain items...have a great holiday:)

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